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GoToMeeting Suddenly Stopped Working

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I would really appreciate it if someone could help me use the GoToMeeting App with the latest updates of ESET Internet Security (Product version  I have been using GoToMeeting and ESET for years and on Friday, I could no longer connect to GoToMeeting.  I am not an expert with firewalls, but I tried to allow the GoToMeeting domains and create TCP/UDP Rules, but nothing I have tried seems to work.  Any advice would be appreciated.


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In automatic mode the firewall allows all outbound communication and blocks non-initiated inbound communication. Does temporarily pausing firewall make a difference? Do you use any custom blocking rules?

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Temporarily pausing the firewall did not help and I don't have any custom rules.  It's very strange because I didn't actively do anything to either GoToMeeting or ESET.  I am wondering if perhaps it could be related to a recent Windows update?

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What about temporarily disabling protocol filtering in the advanced setup? Or switching to the pre-release update channel in the advanced update setup.

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According to GoToMeeting FAQ:


Manually unblock the download

Most security programs will allow you to configure access for specific programs in their firewall settings. To configure the firewall to allow GoToMeeting, look in the program rules for g2mcomm.exe and set it to “Allow” or “Full Access”.

This would translate to a Eset firewall rule to allow both inbound and outbound TCP traffic for g2mcomm.exe. Note you have to specify the full path name where g2mcomm.exe is located.



Open your anti-virus program to allow it to accept all GoToMeeting files. The following must be admitted via 1 of 3 ports: 80, 443 or 8200. One-way TCP connectivity is required (TCP outbound).

g2m_download.exe G2MStart.exe G2MChat.exe g2mupload.exe G2MLauncher.exe G2MQandA.exe

AppCore.exe G2MTesting.exe G2MSessionControl.exe  G2MInstallerExtractor.exe G2MMaterials.exe

G2MMatchMaking.exe G2MCoreInstExtractor.exe G2MPolling.exe G2MRecorder.exe

G2MCodecInstExtractor.exe G2MView.exe G2MTranscoder.exe  G2MInstHigh.exe G2MUI.exe

G2MFeedback.exe G2MInstaller.exe G2MComm.exe G2MHost.exe G2MUninstall.exe

Since the Eset firewall in default Automatic mode allows all outbound traffic, these above apps don't require a specific Eset firewall.

Ref.: https://support.goto.com/meeting/help/how-do-i-configure-gotomeeting-to-work-with-firewalls-g2m090002

Edited by itman
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@Marcos  I apologize, but I'm not sure exactly what you are suggesting.  As I said, I am not experienced with all of the settings in ESET (or other Firewalls in general).  If the Firewall is paused already, what other setting would work?  I have tried adding rules to open the appropriate ports for GoToMeeting (TCP/UDP), I have tried excluding the application from protocol filtering and I have tried to allow the GoToMeeting web sites and I have tried allowing the GoToMeeting addresses.  None of those seem to make any difference.  What is the pre-release update channel?

@itman I tried to allow traffic to g2mcomm.exe.  It has not seemed to help.

Thank you to both for your ideas.  This has been very time consuming and very frustrating thus far.

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You could also try the firewall troubleshoot wizard when trying to use it to see if anything has been blocked 

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1 hour ago, TrustiPhi said:

What is the pre-release update channel?

Open Eset GUI. Mouse click on "Advanced setup." Go to the Update section and change "Update type" to Pre-release update as shown in the below screen shot. Mouse click on the OK tab to save this setting change and also on any other OK tab settings that follow. At this point, Eset will perform an in-product update using the pre-release module versions. Once this completes, test again if you can now connect to GoToMeeting.


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1 hour ago, TrustiPhi said:

 I tried to allow traffic to g2mcomm.exe. 

Change the rule to TCP & UDP versus TCP and see if that helps. Ref: https://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=8200

Note: UDP is not a stateful protocol. This means that inbound UDP traffic can be sent w/o previous outbound traffic as is the case for TCP protocol. If the Eset firewall saw inbound UDP traffic, it would block it by default w/o previous outbound UDP traffic.

Edited by itman
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Since you wrote that pausing the firewall didn't resolve the issue (ie. no firewall rules could block the communication), try temporarily disabling protocol filtering in the advanced setup:


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@peteyt Thanks for the suggestion.  I looked and I can't see anything being blocked.

@itman I tried the pre-release update.  That did not seem to help.  I also changed the traffic rule to TCP & UDP and nothing changed.

@Marcos I disabled protocol filtering and nothing changed.

Again, thank you to everyone for trying to help.  I am increasingly wondering if this is not an ESET problem at all.  Is there a way for me to check logs to see if anything from GoToMeeting is actually being blocked?  If I can prove it is not ESET, then perhaps I can get GoToMeeting to give a closer look at this to see if it is really their software.


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Sounds like temporarily uninstalling ESET would not make any difference then either. Could you try it to confirm or deny my assumption? Doing so will at least narrow it down and possibly rule out ESET as the culprit.

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As Marcos has mentioned you could backup any settings and then uninstall. If this works then eset does appear to be the issue. It the problem does occur after reinstallation you could try disabling settings one by one and testing the program which should help find out which part is blocking it

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