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HTML/ScrInject.B trojan, but site seems clean?


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I cannot enter into this URL www.dagospia. com. 

It is a main journalistic website, but as I click whatever article I receive this message 

Minaccia: HTML/ScrInject.B trojan horse

But i don't believe it is infected

Please can you help me in enter into this website?

Thank you

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First of all, this forum does not serve as a means for disputing detections. The website in question was probably compromised; it loads an external javascript JS/Adware.Revizer from another website.

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thank you very much for your answer. But it means that I can try to download it as it is an innocuos adware, or it is a dangerous virus for m,y computer?

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While it's possible that allowing access to the website would only cause excessive number of ads to pop up, I wouldn't go to such websites. You'd better notify an owner of the website that he or she should clean it and take measures to prevent further re-infection.

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28 minutes ago, aleT said:

i Have the same problem. The access to website is blocked by eset.

Yes, the block is correct since the website serves adware (JS/Adware.Revizer).

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