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ECSP and Perfect Privacy VPN

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I have an issue in my internet connection and after several tests I found out that ESET firewall is the source of my concern.

I selected the interactive mode but nothing shows up and after few minutes even if my WiFi connection is still up there is no flow, pages won't load.

I can't find a solution so any help will be much appreciated.



Edited by Bruno
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  • ESET Staff

Hi @Bruno

In order to help you we will need more data about it.
Please, describe what exactly is the issue, how or when you notice and what steps you try in order to solved.

This happens only in your computer or another one?



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I am connected to the internet. The VPN is active with IKVEv2 settings.

I am browsing the web and saddlery the page will not load. I am still connected to the internet but I get no more "juice". I can also know when because the Dropbox icon goes from black to grey. It happens only on my MacBook Pro not on my iPhone, iPad, ATV... of course. 

 Attached screenshot of my rules.

Thanks for your help.




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  • Administrators

I would strongly recommend contacting your local customer as the issue needs to be tracked and further logs will be needed for analysis.

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I already did that but they did not even read my email and I just got a useless copy/paste answer.

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting ESET Support.

Is perfect privacy application excluded from personal firewall, if not create a rule in personal firewall to allow traffic for this application.

How to create rules in Personal firewall: hxxp://help.eset.com/ecsp/6/en-US/ud_network_rules_new.html

If rules are not helping change firewall mode to learning mode and check if application is working.


If you need any further clarification feel free to get in touch with us at support@esetme.com

Best Regards,
Technical Support


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  • ESET Moderators

Hello Bruno,

In cases of such applications, it is indeed true that all its components that open connections need to have allowing rules created in our firewall.

If you still can't use it properly, please describe step by step what versions of each piece of software you have, what you do, where you connect to, so that we can simulate the same conditions here and test it out.


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I'm connected to a MacBook Pro Sierra in WiFi through a VPN configured directly with IKEv2 in macOS.

Everything works fine until I have no internet. I'm still connected but there is no "juice".

If I deactivate the firewall, internet is available again.

I have configured the firewall into interactive mode, but the VPN being not an application I have no particular request.

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello Bruno,

We have tested the scenario with a VPN connected via the IKEv2 protocol and it worked fine even with the firewall enabled, so there must be a different collision in your case.


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Thanks Tomas for your feedback, greatly appreciated.  

I could not find the why, so I made a rest of ESET back to default settings and everything is working now fine. 

So I guess something was messing up my connection. Still a mystery...

Kind regards. 


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