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About Bruno

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  1. It would be great if we could export/import blocked URL list. Also, being able to classify those URLs would be a real must.
  2. Thanks Tomas for your feedback, greatly appreciated. I could not find the why, so I made a rest of ESET back to default settings and everything is working now fine. So I guess something was messing up my connection. Still a mystery... Kind regards. B.
  3. Hello, I'm connected to a MacBook Pro Sierra in WiFi through a VPN configured directly with IKEv2 in macOS. Everything works fine until I have no internet. I'm still connected but there is no "juice". If I deactivate the firewall, internet is available again. I have configured the firewall into interactive mode, but the VPN being not an application I have no particular request.
  4. I already did that but they did not even read my email and I just got a useless copy/paste answer. Dear Customer,Thank you for contacting ESET Support.Is perfect privacy application excluded from personal firewall, if not create a rule in personal firewall to allow traffic for this application.How to create rules in Personal firewall: hxxp://help.eset.com/ecsp/6/en-US/ud_network_rules_new.htmlIf rules are not helping change firewall mode to learning mode and check if application is working. If you need any further clarification feel free to get in touch with us at support@esetme.com Best Regards,Technical Support
  5. I am connected to the internet. The VPN is active with IKVEv2 settings. I am browsing the web and saddlery the page will not load. I am still connected to the internet but I get no more "juice". I can also know when because the Dropbox icon goes from black to grey. It happens only on my MacBook Pro not on my iPhone, iPad, ATV... of course. Attached screenshot of my rules. Thanks for your help. B.
  6. Hi. I have an issue in my internet connection and after several tests I found out that ESET firewall is the source of my concern. I selected the interactive mode but nothing shows up and after few minutes even if my WiFi connection is still up there is no flow, pages won't load. I can't find a solution so any help will be much appreciated. Thanks! Bruno
  7. Everything is working fine now. I set up the right rules to make it work. The other concern was with Sonos application. There again I went through the interactive mode to get the right rules. See screen shot attached.
  8. Do not panic! ? This Wannacry ransomware exploits the MS17-010 Windows vulnerability that was bridged last March. We are in May ... This is thanks to a hacking tool developed by the NSA, EternalBlue. "Ransomware is a program that gets into your computer, either by clicking on the wrong thing or downloading the wrong thing, and then it holds something you need to ransom." As usual the biggest safety hole is between the chair and the screen. So we avoid clicking on everything and anything and update your Windows OS! Or switch to Mac as it is a Win32 malware so it doesn't pose a risk to Mac users.?
  9. Hi. Are Windows ans Mac users protected against today global attack?!! Regards Bruno
  10. Thanks, I guess then they did the test before the update... "This new malware – dubbed OSX/Dok — affects all versions of OSX, has 0 detections on VirusTotal (as of the writing of these words)..." by Ofer Caspi, Malware Research team posted 2017/04/27
  11. Hi Can ESET identify and block this new malware on OSX? hxxp://blog.checkpoint.com/2017/04/27/osx-malware-catching-wants-read-https-traffic/
  12. Hi. I just installed NordVPN from the Mac Apple Store but it seems that ESET is messing with it and I get disconnected every 2 seconds. Is there anyone facing the same issue? Any solution? Thanks B.
  13. By using often a setting I realized it will great to add something to it. I am talking about "Blocked URL" from "Web Access Protection". Will it be possible to add a program which checks if an URL is already blocked? I found out that if you typed twice the same URL, it is still added to the list. Having many ones now, it getting difficult to manage them. Regards B.
  14. Hi Donmenico. I had the same issue even after opting out the option in the settings. However I could get rid of it with a right click on the icon, option -> Remove from Dock
  15. Hello. Thanks for the reply and input. FYI the link you provided ends up on a 404 page
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