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Future changes to ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security, ESET Smart Security Premium and ESET Ultimate Security

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What should be more secure in this "banking mode"?

If you want more security use another browser without plug-ins and add-on.

And use the windows virtual keyboard.

This can be more secure, but such a banking mode would be useless.

And by the way: How should it get quicker in this mode?


Safe Pay (safe banking) can  make online transactions from a unique, dedicated browser, that secured your accounts from fraud. Safe pay  can now also automatically fill credit card details in billing fields.


Wallet feature is a secure tool that speeds up online shopping by autocompleting credit card details within payment fields. Apart from purchase details, Wallet can also safely organize credentials for favorite websites, messaging applications, or frequently-used WI-FI networks.

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What should be more secure in this "banking mode"?

If you want more security use another browser without plug-ins and add-on.

And use the windows virtual keyboard.

This can be more secure, but such a banking mode would be useless.

And by the way: How should it get quicker in this mode?


Safe Pay (safe banking) can  make online transactions from a unique, dedicated browser, that secured your accounts from fraud. Safe pay  can now also automatically fill credit card details in billing fields.


Wallet feature is a secure tool that speeds up online shopping by autocompleting credit card details within payment fields. Apart from purchase details, Wallet can also safely organize credentials for favorite websites, messaging applications, or frequently-used WI-FI networks.


Please correct me if i'm wrong....


1. Automatically fill in details...doesn't that mean I have to trust the "app" and put in my precious details into the app for that auto-filling function to work? No thank you!


2. Again, speed up my online shopping (i'm not in a hurry!) by having my details in the app so the app can "auto-complete" that for me. No! And I don't care if all of it is encrypted or not.


To me it sounds very similar to how a password manager works, having my passwords in it will allow it to auto fill my password whenever I login somewhere. But this is for banking, no I will never trust an app with my bank details ever!


 You said -> "Banking Mode or Secure Wallet is necessary for making payments more quickly and secure."


Tell us how it is more secure to connect to the bank through the "safe pay browser".

Than doing it in my own browser from my Malware and Keylogger free computer.

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If you want to make your online banking like you describe faster then use a password manager. I don't know if there are also password manager that also fills in credit cards. But this thing (no matter if it's in ESET or in other products) can also be a security risk. Your credit card data can be stolen if it's not saved encrypted. And if you want a wise encryption you also have to enter a password. And then you should make sure that you use a strong password. And don't forget: You must have a huge trust in this program and you would have to hope that there aren't any security holes in it!

And your "Safe Pay" or "Safe Banking" is really unnecessary. For the reasons see the posts before.



If I look on what you post... :blink:

Please stop saying things like "make ultimate XY" or "add enhanced XY"!

Have a look at the blue text that @Aryeh Goretsky wrote in his first post in this topic:

NOTE:  When making your requests do not make general statements such as "better detection, HIPS, firewall, cleaning, and so forth."  ESET's threat researchers constantly examine new threats and release updates to the virus signature database and to the modules in order to improve these functions.  If you have a specific feature or functionality you would like to see added (or improved) please post it here, but general requests to "make things better" are not helpful because they do not give ESET detailed enough information.  Thank you for your understanding.

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If I look on what you post... :blink:

Please stop saying things like "make ultimate XY" or "add enhanced XY"!

Have a look at the blue text that @Aryeh Goretsky wrote in his first post in this topic:

NOTE:  When making your requests do not make general statements such as "better detection, HIPS, firewall, cleaning, and so forth."  ESET's threat researchers constantly examine new threats and release updates to the virus signature database and to the modules in order to improve these functions.  If you have a specific feature or functionality you would like to see added (or improved) please post it here, but general requests to "make things better" are not helpful because they do not give ESET detailed enough information.  Thank you for your understanding.


Yeah and I (we) shouldn't really reply, I kind of feel I put more wood on his fire by replying. But I feel a need to reply and explain that this feature called " iWatch super advanced behavior based malware blocker " may not be what you think it is, and a product may have a very similar function but it is called something totally different in a product from another vendor. So browsing around looking at products from other vendors and what their features are called, only to post them here as future ideas or even requesting them to be added is just a waste of time.

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Yeah and I shouldn't really reply, I kind of put more wood on his fire by replying. But I feel a need to reply and explain that this feature called " iWatch super advanced behavior based malware blocker " may not be what you think it is, and a product may have a very similar function but it is called something totally different in a product from another vendor. So browsing around looking at products from other vendors and what their features are called, only to post them here as future ideas or even requesting them to be added is just a waste of time.


No problem! It's good to explain why his feedback is not such good, but sometimes you also have to exhort...

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Yeah and I shouldn't really reply, I kind of put more wood on his fire by replying. But I feel a need to reply and explain that this feature called " iWatch super advanced behavior based malware blocker " may not be what you think it is, and a product may have a very similar function but it is called something totally different in a product from another vendor. So browsing around looking at products from other vendors and what their features are called, only to post them here as future ideas or even requesting them to be added is just a waste of time.


No problem! It's good to explain why his feedback is not such good, but sometimes you also have to exhort...


Yeah but its not really feedback (as I see feedback) that he gives, its more like he want a total rewrite of the software by comparing ESET's features to 30 other products that have all those "features" that apparently is missing in ESET that just have to be added so ESET becomes the best of the best. 

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Yeah but its not really feedback (as I see feedback) that he gives, its more like he want a total rewrite of the software by comparing ESET's features to 30 other products that have all those "features" that apparently is missing in ESET that just have to be added so it becomes the best of the best. 

Maybe but I don't think other AV vendors have "ultimate anti-keylogger" or "ultimate anti-rootkit". Maybe it's just his fantasy. ;)

But i have to agree: It's not really feedback.

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Yeah but its not really feedback (as I see feedback) that he gives, its more like he want a total rewrite of the software by comparing ESET's features to 30 other products that have all those "features" that apparently is missing in ESET that just have to be added so it becomes the best of the best. 

Maybe but I don't think other AV vendors have "ultimate anti-keylogger" or "ultimate anti-rootkit".

But i have to agree: It's not really feedback.


No he did of course add "ultimate" to some of the "ideas" to make the message clear. Ultimate or don't bother. 

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No he did of course add "ultimate" to some of the "ideas" to make the message clear. Ultimate or don't bother.



But we should get back to topic...
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No he did of course add "ultimate" to some of the "ideas" to make the message clear. Ultimate or don't bother.
But we should get back to topic...

Yeah let's forget about the banking fluff fluff and the ultimate stuff...and focus on the real-world, real products, and real features.  ;)

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Yeah but its not really feedback (as I see feedback) that he gives, its more like he want a total rewrite of the software by comparing ESET's features to 30 other products that have all those "features" that apparently is missing in ESET that just have to be added so it becomes the best of the best. 

Maybe but I don't think other AV vendors have "ultimate anti-keylogger" or "ultimate anti-rootkit". Maybe it's just his fantasy. ;)

But i have to agree: It's not really feedback.


Good evening,


We should not underestimate the competitor .... Some are "anti keylogger" high performance systems.

This is not because we appreciate a product that must be "blind" ... Compared to what is being done elsewhere ...


" If your computer is clean from keyloggers, (and any other type of malware) and your browser is not hi-jacked in some way, and you connect to the bank..."


It starts to do a lot of conditions, right?


I do not think that all users on a daily basis, checks if a keylogger is present on their machine, and I can assure you that quite a "bypass" eset ...

I regret all my heart that the version "Titan" is not available in Europe. I think eset deprives a buoyant market.


Because the ability to encrypt important files, especially on a laptop, seems to me essential for safety as you will agree, protection password Windows session is largely insufficient.


Fingers crossed for the Thunderbird addons are again consistent, it's still a shame not to be compatible with one of the most popular mail client.


Sorry for the translation, perhaps approximate, but Eset does not have an "international" forum I use translation tools





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This is indeed an International forum as in everyone can join in...but yes English is what we use  :D


Yes I don't understand the whole post but most of it. Keyloggers are seen as malware and so they will be detected like any other form of malware.


Again, please correct me if i'm wrong...and of course not all secure banking features/apps works the same way.


I assume you mean incase a user have a little keylogger on the system and goes to bank.com to do online banking, you want a feature that "prevents" the keylogger from "seeing" the private stuff? And the "wallet, safe pay" or any similar feature is up for that job?


The way I see it, the chance that I would have an active undetected keylogger on my system waiting for me to do online banking or shopping is very small. And I don't want to risk that this "wallet" is being exploited in some way and the encryption cracked wich will hand over my banking details to the wrong person, wich I see as a bigger chance than having a keylogger or similar lurking around. 

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Hello Mr SweX


Yes you take "your" example :)

Eset is a product of "public" users with different knowledge levels.


Perhaps a "simple" system the comm did a German publisher with name starting with G ^ ^ is not a bad idea.

No addon directly interact with the drivers ....


But again, it is a shame that the Titan version is not sold in Europe. Shame is not the correct word, but....translation tools ^^





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Hello Mr SweX


Yes you take "your" example :)

Eset is a product of "public" users with different knowledge levels.


But again, it is a shame that the Titan version is not sold in Europe. Shame is not the correct word, but....translation tools ^^





You can see "my" examples as you like, I simply weigh and try to see the positive and negative aspect of having my banking details in such apps....but the public knowledge won't matter if the banking details leak out of these apps for some reason does it? 



Perhaps a "simple" system the comm did a German publisher with name starting with G ^ ^ is not a bad idea.

No addon directly interact with the drivers ....

Its not prohibited to mention other vendor names in here afaik, I assume you talk about this?



  • Protects against all known and unknown banking Trojans
  • Compatible with any security software
  • Plug-in for MS Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers

I love products that can protect us from "all known and unkown"

Also any user can use this as they claim its compatible with other security softwares. (fwiw it is also incorporated in the G-data product lineup for anyone interested)


Yes we are way off-topic as we are only meant to post future changes, though several members have lately posted loads of totally unnecessary and even fictional features that is a "must have"...and push forward that banking mode is very essential, so I must of course say that I do not agree with that and say my opinion in this whole mess. But to at least end the banking mode discussion maybe ESET could say something about whether it indeed is necessary to add features like that to NOD32/ESS...or not.


FYI "Shame" works just fine in your sentence. I guess it could be useful to know what "Titan" have that you like?

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Hello there :)


I was just talking a feature prevent "listen" keystroke, not containing the bank details ... A good old "notebook" and a pencil case will ;)


"I love products that can protect us from "all known and unkown""


You know very well that all companies use marketing, Eset like others elsewhere :)


In "Titan"?


A destructive files, available in the context menu....An password manager, but with local back-up not in the cloud...An the ability to backup data :)



And for the Kids an more complète parental control, in ESS is really minimalist does not allow much.



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What is your opinion about adding On-Demand-Scan by Priority (Low- slower scan and little system resources, Medium- little fast scan and more system resources, High- fast scan and a lot of resources)?

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What is your opinion about adding On-Demand-Scan by Priority (Low- slower scan and little system resources, Medium- little fast scan and more system resources, High- fast scan and a lot of resources)?

Hello there,

I wonder if those options are really necessary, given the performance of current processors and hard drives.





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eset 8 beta  is bloking the speed test and is making  a delay for loading the webpage and delay to make a speed test

make a update and fix is make the internet run more slow and create delay that don't happen with eset 7 final  but is happening with the new beta please make a update

and make it that can process the internet traffics more fatser for faster speed  like 80mgbs or more   to prevent that delay

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eset crop this idea is extremely important if you ignore this you are crazy

for eset 8


new engine - Anti cookie Trakers = prevent when you browse online  to be track or spy when the cookie are in the pc

we know that all company spy users from cookie like google and others

maybe they have a monitor the browser


enhanged cookie protection

send do not track  protection = this can be bypass by hakers  make it more strong if you will make it

make engine to inspction the brwosers and cookie funtions  if the cookie is infected eset will clean it or if is tracking your pc and personal data

please this is not a joke you know corp always spy

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@kakashi, the last time I try it in a good way!


Maybe you know CCleaner This might be a program you like. Of course there are also other programs for cleaning cookies. (e.g. TuneUp)

You can deactivate cookies in your browser or only disallow third-party-cookies or (maybe additionally) install specific add-ons in your browser that also block tracking companies (e.g. Ghostery or DoNotTrackMe).

And Do Not Track is optional for the websites, so you can't talk of "bypass" and also not from "hackers". This are normal website operators and it's legal!


And this is the point! It's nothing bad (except of your personal opinion) and it has nothing to do in an antivirus software. Like I described there are many, many other ways...

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Oh. Now I know why you always write enhanced (or enhanged) and something like this  ;) - Wikipedia: Advanced SystemCare

(for me "advanced" is round the corner)


And this product illustrates in a good way how ESET never should (and will) be! If you want you can give them the feedback you try to gave ESET here. Maybe they are glad!

But ESET won't be deleting cookies or adding something that's not in their focus!


And maybe you want to check out my other tips posted above too. But don't annoy ESET with not constructive feedback. Thanks.

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eset crop this idea is extremely important if you ignore this you are crazy

for eset 8 

They are crazy and will continue to be crazy. In this case being crazy is a good thing. Calling this "extremely important" is to exaggerate just a little bit. No special feature is needed for that either.



i use advance sistem care 7.3 and hitman pro 

Advanced System Care..product by IOBit. I hope you like it. Personally I will never install an IOBit product in my PC ever. 

It is not surprising you use products having Advanced in the product name. 


Continue to use HitmanPro. And please stop posting requests like this it is not fun anymore.

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Advanced System Care..product by IOBit. I hope you like it. Personally I will never install an IOBit product in my PC ever.


I'm not sure but that name rang me a bell and there's a good chance we detect it as PUA :)

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