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Everything posted by rugk

  1. You're welcome. And now my reply: 2. I think it's just my opinion... They look so small. 4. Yes, veeery small
  2. I just want to share a great document about ESETs history and it's philosophy. It has IMO a great design. But unfortunately I wasn't able to find an English version of this PDF file. I also didn't find any other language of this file. But if you are German then you can read it and if not then you can also use online translation tools. Enjoy (safer technology)! Preview: Here you come to the document and you can download it with a click of the big green button: About ESET: ESET The Company - Vision, Philosophy, Values language: German file size: 3.87 MB size: 12 pages last changed: 25th Mar 2014 (2014-03-25) license: © ESET, All rights reserved More information about ESET (all in English): ESET history, including a video ESETs technology Why ESET?
  3. Now an update after a quite long time... As a fan of ESET (and/or the ESET android) you maybe also want to find the current ESET logo. And because you can nearly find it everywhere, I'll give you not only a link to any logo, but to a high-quality ESET logo. resolution: 3594 x 1406 pixel (that is even more than Full HD) file size: 101 kB file type: PNG with transparent background license: © ESET, All rights reserved source: German ESET website Preview (not the full size, use the download link below): Download (and click on the green button or direct download) Info: Please be aware that it is licensed by ESET, but I'm quite sure that you are allowed to print it and pin it as a poster at the wall of your own room.
  4. WOW, @Wortex, this is great site! Very nice, a modern style and well-written source code. I think many resellers would like such a website. But just a few things... to give you a small feedback , because it's always good to have feedback : (tested with Firefox 31.0) the banner at the top is really good but it's a the left and it's not linked and the Windows logo is at different positions in the banner of NOD32 and ESS. I also don't think that the banner should be placed at this position (at the top). the icons at "services" are quite small when "mouseovering" the products sometimes only the display title is "marked" and sometimes the whole background of the product picture. the slogan "Enjoy safer technology" is missing... the site has no favicon. the main ESET logo at the top is AFAIK an older one. The best resolution I ever found (and it's really a great resolution, much more than Full HD) of the (current) ESET logo is on the German website: hxxp://www.eset.com/de/about/press/mynewsdesk/#/images/eset-logo-296833 Just click on the big green button to download it. @all: You can also print it all and use it as a poster! Edit: More information about the high-resolution ESET logo in this post.
  5. It is not only monitoring java, but also PDF readers, mail clients and browsers. See this topic: Hitman Pro Alert
  6. I can agree. Maybe the time until the first scan starts should be increased or it should be wait until the first VSD update is completed. Only strict cleaning for the first scan is unnecessary, because if there was no scan before the first scan (what should be for nearly every case true) then the first scan is like an in-depth scan, because it has to scan every file and cannot make use of the smart mode where it skips already scanned files.
  7. Really? Independently? I mean am exploit is AFAIK often caused by product specific bugs, so they can't create a all-in-one exploit protection. Every browser and other software will have different exploit "holes".
  8. OK, but all browsers is a bit to much. All major browser is OK, but it would be good if someone from ESET could confirm this.
  9. That's very nice of you. If you want to do this then I would suggest you to directly contact the author of the site. (he has many contact information on the site) Hmm its said that "Contacts for United States of America and Canada only" also I can`t find the email to contact At the left (at the bottom) he has an mailto-link to nod32@computersecurityassociates.com.
  10. Thanks for the source. And Malewarebytes Anti-Maleware got a score of 93.10 %, so it's not 100%. And the Exploit Blocker was already there in v7. And for the browser protection I would at first ask the basically question what browsers are protected by ESET? (by MBAE it looks like it is only Internet Explorer)
  11. @Wittmann It's good to hear that your question was solved. And if you find the answer of @foneil usefull, you can also give him a kudo. (if you're logged in at the right of his post)
  12. If you claim something, please provide a source what? 100 apples, bananas...?
  13. Sorry for the late reply, but it's not true taht we wouldn't be interested. We are all trying to help users and to solve their problems, but in your case there were several reasons why you not got such a quick reaction from a user: Most users in this forum are using the ESET software on the PC, so the Online Scanner won't be used and so we have not many knowlegde about it. Reproducing the problem can take much time. You formulate this not as a problem or "How to..." question, but rather as a suggestion. And because only someone from ESET can reply to a good suggestion in a useful way (like "We will implement it" / "The idea forwared to our developers") no other users wanted to reply to this. So please don't blame us, we are doing this in our freetime (also the ESET moderators).
  14. Because this is a threat that recieved much traffic alghought it's quite old, I want to add another thing about linking to posts and topics in this forum, because in this forum is also another way how to link to threads and posts: How to add the link: You can also link to a topic or post with clicking on the 3rd button in the "toolbar" of the editor. There you can add SpecialBBCode. Now select "topic" or "post" and enter the ID and the text. The ID you can find here: Topic: In the URL you find the number aber the "topic/". E.g. in this topic you would find it here: hxxps://forum.eset.com/topic/745-this-is-a-test-thread Post: Click on the right of the post at the "share button" or copy the link from this share button. Here you will find the number at the end after the "?p=". E.g. to SweX post #25 before mine here: hxxps://forum.eset.com/topic/745-this-is-a-test-thread/?p=3718 Example: Link to this topic Link to SweXs last post. Edit: I changed in the links above the https to hxxps, because otherwise the text will automatically converted into a link.
  15. For all who don't know how to scan something as an administrator: And this is a successfully scan of an uninfected bootsector with the latest VSD pre-release-updates on ESET Smart Security BETA 8 at this time:
  16. Since the 25th Aug. 2014 the Pulseway app also supports ERA. You can manage your clients directly from any mobile phone or tablet. (Android/iOS/Windows Phone) The twitter post: https://twitter.com/pulsewayapp/status/503960053045788673 The pulseway site: hxxp://www.pulseway.com/Eset The video: hxxp://youtu.be/-hjKSJ08npE
  17. That's very nice of you. If you want to do this then I would suggest you to directly contact the author of the site. (he has many contact information on the site)
  18. OK. And what's with the Auigmented Reality App?
  19. Exactly! But we all of course now what's the reason for it and for this case it's quite good. But on the other hand it's quite difficult to provide a detailed feedback (or suggestions) or even to answer such a question I asked with this limitated information.
  20. Not finished after years...? And what should they still do? Of course ESET will never be finished with the site, because VSD updates are added regulary. And if this would be the reason for the BETA then the site would never get out of the BETA state...
  21. Now I added some small new points to my feedback. One about phone number scanning and an another about an security audit feature. They are both marked with "Edit (2014-08-27)". And I also changed the tag #Helpfile to #Help, because it itsn't a seperate file.
  22. The first thing that is in BETA is the Augmented Reality App. There I can understand that it is in BETA phase, alghough I don't noticed any errors (maybe except that the ESET android sometimes tilt to the front). Or do you want to add new markers (e.g. the ESET logo) to the app? The next BETA I can't understand. On the virusradar page(s) there stands in the header "Virus Radar BETA". But AFAIK the virusradar is online a few years, isn't it? And it is still in BETA?
  23. OK, but if this scanning with ESET LiveGrid is already done during downloading files, e-mail scans and on-demand scans there it can also produce FPs. And again I'm not talking about the fact if a file is used by less than 5 users or so, I'm talking of the risk interpretation of the file in ESET LiveGrid. And I understand that this LiveGrid risk interpretation also can produce false-positive, but then you should make maybe a "very risky" for files that are quite clear to be risky, or so. But at the end you have of course to know how good your LiveGrid system works and what files should be blocked based on LiveGrid. And I also noticed that the default setting for realtime-protection is "LiveGrid enabled", but you are saying here it won't scan in realtime-protection, so what is this? @Octavaian: They only contact you if they need additionally information about files or something else that were submitted with ESET LiveGrid. You won't get ESET LiveGrid statistics through this. But I here you can see some LiveGrid statistics: hxxp://www.eset.com/us/home/whyeset/livegrid/ But I think this statistic can be improved. At first there is missing a good legend ("low" and "high" .... ehm what is low or high?) . And I think an explanation what the glowing means would also nice. BTW: More statistics you can also find on virustotal.
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