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license swap


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    What will happen for my license seat if i format the pc and reinstall windows, do i need to deactivate the unit of the license -for the formatted pc in ELA- and reactivate it every time i do formatting or the license is registered by the mac address as in v5.

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the home versions of Eset products don't need to be deactivated in order to perform a hdd format and reinstall the OS of the pc.

once you do the format and reinstall the OS, install again the desired product (smart Security or Nod32) and type your license.

the program will automatically activate again.

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Ok good, and what about business license of large network where formatting and installation is daily tasks , do i need to release the license seat to avoid duplication  

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i'm afraid i can't answer that. even if you are working to a large company those things shouldn't bother you. the I.T (Information Technology) department takes care of installations and other similar stuff.

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  • ESET Staff

Business products are working in a way, that when you install a product a "seat" is taken from your license. When you uninstall (the standard way, not by formatting), the seat is automatically "released".

If you format the computer, and reinstall again on the same computer, it won´t take a new seat, as ESET uses hardware fingerprint for seat identification. Only exception might be a virtual machine, where HWF is always allocated from a pool of resources, so it might be identified as a new seat. Then, you can free the seat using ESET License Administrator.

Second option is, that if you are managing computers using ERA V6, prior to removing the computer entry in ERA V6 (delete computer), after it was formatted, you can before deletion trigger context menu action "deactivate products", which will perform the deactivation automatically (will contact the licensing server, and return the seat to the pool).

Hope that this helps.

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