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Firewall: which Windows applications/services are safe?

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I would like to know which windows processes and their ports are secure.


Today I opened the Zone & Rule Editor and there were way too many entries, some programs that are no longer installed, duplicates, etc. So I cleaned up the list and set up Zones and Rules for my browsers, mail client and various programs.

My firewall is in interactive mode, thus ESS reports any new/unknown communication.


So far the only process I have been asked for while browsing is SVCHOST

Since this is a very generic service that includes many processes and protocols I don't exactly know to deal with it.

Many users in other forums wrote that this process should be given full permission on anything.

I am not sure about that, so this is how I set it up:


Application: C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe (Host Process for Windows Services)

Allow: Out TCP&UDP

Local Ports: 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPs)


Now my questions:

1. how should I set up the rule for svchost.exe

2. what other processes are safe to allow and how should they be set up (direction, ports, etc.)


Thank you in advance

kind regards


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You should keep the predefined list of the rules as it allows for a safe and troublefree user experience. If you still want to define it yourself, I would generally trust processes digitally signed by Microsoft.

In addition, you can set your own rules for the applications you installed.

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