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ESET Support response times

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Hi Support,

As a enterprise business customer, we have recently had to realize more and more,
that either not at all or with a long delay there is an answer to a reported problem.
Very recently with the problem 9012012-server-security -> reboot hang.
We reported a problem via WebUI early this morning and have not yet received a ticket number or even a callback.

* That is suboptimal ! *

As a enterprise business customer, we expect "significantly" faster response times than before!
Can someone take care of this problem and get back to us ?

Senior IT-Manager

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It appears that the support ticket #00356156 was created yesterday at 8:38 CEST and DE support replied at 10:57 CEST.

Besides the requested logs, we'll need especially a complete memory dump from a frozen state created as per https://support.eset.com/en/kb380.

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Hi / Ahoj, Marcos
Thank you for your quick reply.
We have double checked everything, but no email from the ESET ticket system. As already described, this has happened many times. Can you please provide us with the sender address so that we can better understand why this is happening.

Now to the actual problem.
Out of 75 servers, 10% percent were affected, two of which had to be restored. Since one DC and the Windows CA also had massive problems, our business was severely limited.
Currently all servers are back online, but have respect to restart them again to not run into the same problem again.
When will there be a FIX from ESET in the matter, or what recommendation does ESET give here to deal with this current problem.

regards / pozdravy
Senior IT-Manager

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It appears that emails sent from the ESET ticketing system are rejected by your mail server and are bounced back. Could you please check your mail servers log to determine the cause of rejecting the emails?

Anyways, please try to get a complete memory dump from a frozen state as soon as possible since it's necessary for determining the cause of the lockup.

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To verify this, i need the sender address of the ticket system, as already written by me.....

1 hour ago, StefanSa said:

When will there be a FIX from ESET in the matter, or what recommendation does ESET give here to deal with this current problem.

Please answer me this question, for usn it is important how we should behave here. Rolback to version 8 or wait for ..
The question also arises, is the problem only present after the first reboot after installation or is there a risk that this can happen again with every reboot with the v9 ? This would then mean a rollback to v8 for at least 75 servers.

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Since we don't know what is causing the issue on your servers, you could try downgrading to v8, however, the issue may arise in the future if nobody else reports it and provides us with a memory dump. With a memory dump we should be able to determine the root cause and possibly fix the issue if it's really a problem in ESSW v9.

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because of memory dump.
The affected servers are back online, is a dump enough here in this state, because you write in frozen state ?
Because if the system hangs at boot time, i can not do a dump.

Marcos, I'm still missing the "From address" from your ticket system to determine why we don't get any email from here.

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Ticketing system emails are sent from "ESET Customer Service <technical@support.eset.com>".

As for the memory dump, do you mean that a crash is not triggered after you've configured the OS as per https://support.eset.com/en/kb380 and the system freezes during a boot? I assume that the freeze occurs when drivers and applications are being loaded so the OS could be already partly running long enough for a crash to be triggered.

Is the system freezing always during a boot? Are you able to start it in safe mode?

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Exactly the same problem as here.
Only we had not removed the product via F8 in Safe Mode afterwards, but removed the network adapter (VM).
After that the VM started.
The question is do we stay with v9 or go back to v8.
How to make ESET Protect a rollback / downgrade, we do not want to start every single server via F8 in safe mode and then perform a rollback.

About missing Ticket,
We had successfully sent a test email to this address yesterday afternoon after not receiving a ticket.
However, no ticket received, do you see in the logfile of your email server a reject from us ?

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18 minutes ago, StefanSa said:

but removed the network adapter (VM)

not quite right, we had deactivated them and reactivated them after a successful start.

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The ticket emails are sent from the Sendgrid email delivery service so we have limited insight into what is returned / bounced back.

Do you think it would be possible to reproduce the issue and provide a complete memory dump from a freeze? Since they are virtual machines, perhaps you could try to clone it and reproduce it on a testing vm?

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So we cloned one of the affected machines and tried to reproduce the issue, but we didn't succeed, sv start without any  problems.
This calms us down a bit, but the question still remains do we stay with v9?
In the meantime, is there any idea what could cause this problem ?
What is ESET's official recommendation on this matter ? 

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Since we have no clue about the root cause, we can't tell if excluding the mui extension or downgrading to v8 would 100% help.

Since the issue doesn't occur on the cloned vm, will it be definitely impossible to reproduce it on a production server and get a complete memory dump from the freeze?

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31 minutes ago, StefanSa said:

What to do where to exclude the MUI extension ?

It's in the real-time protection setup:


However, you wrote: "but removed the network adapter (VM). After that the VM started." so I'm doubtful that the exclusion will help but it's worth trying.

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I am trying to uninstall ESET in a VM that is in safe mode.
his fails because the permissions are not sufficient to delete the service.
What can i do here ?

PS: No uninstall tool is available

Edited by StefanSa
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Has there been more reports or any suggestions what we should do? Originally I thought this issue only affects upgrades, so I uninstalled V8 manually then cleaned installed V9 to avoid upgrading. But today after installing the OOB update and my test DC is stuck booting again. Uninstalling for now.

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Since the issue occurred again, were you able to generate a complete memory dump from the frozen state? Without a memory dump we cannot determine the root cause of the freeze or provide a fix or information if v8 is affected too or if the issue is caused by Windows and manifests with ESET installed.

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This is quite different.
We had a case here that hung directly after starting.
After the safe boot we uninstalled ESET and then reassigned with ESET protect. 
The restart afterwards had been without any problem.
That's the main problem, you can't fix this bug to any scheme/behavior.

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1 minute ago, StefanSa said:

Marcos, how many cases do you have already because of this v9 problem ?
Rather less or clearly a tendency upwards ?

Only these cases in this topic. Some other cases where related to processing MUI files when the EEI agent was installed.

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