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Eset Ra Install On Member Server

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Can we install the ESET RA Server & console on a member server (non-domain controller) in a 2012 domain and manage the clients?  Or does it have to be installed on the domain controller and if so is it compatible with 2012 Server?

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Yes, ERAS can be installed on member server. In fact, this is the best place to install it. You should not use DC for other roles except AD related.

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  • 4 weeks later...


There is way to many smb's though.

I have way to many small networks where the dc is also using dns, app, iis, file, dhcp.

Sometimes even wsus if they wont fork out the money for a second server, or premium build.

However larger networks and companies are done right.


True it doesn't have to be on dc, just make sure the connection to ad is working because you get better net discovery results, and its tighter if you sync with ad.

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