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Have had several customers who cannot get online with ESET Smart Security firewall fully enabled. Any web browser they use just sits and no web page will load. Also if they have other third party programs like Yahoo Messenger it will not connect and I lose my remote session. This has happened after a re-install of the program or inplace upgrade from Check for Updates from the Update section. Also issue only happens after reboot. You can re-install the program, ESET updates and the internet is fine but after the reboot you lose internet. I even went into services and disabled all non-microsoft services except ESET and still no go. Ping is good on all these connections and IPV4 shows "Internet". You have to rename epfw.sys in safemode with get back online. I have done full Manual Uninstall on all of these to clear all remnants and then re-install to no avail. I have added the Network Address, router address and even the current DHCP address into the trusted zone and no go. I have done Pre-release Updates and not go. I tested it out by skipping the VSD and Module updates , reboot and then no internet. There is only one common factor in all these is that they are Windows Vista or Windows 7. (most are 7) Different kinds of nics and happens on wired and wireless.  With ESET uninstalled and Windows firewall enabled the internet works fine. Firewall log only shows pre-defined rules so there is nothing in here that keys me in on something specific that ESET firewall is blocking. ONLY current resolution is to go down to Version 5.x. Version 6.x does the same thing.

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I have seen this before recently. :)

I cannot say for sure without looking at a Sysinspector log, but the computer(s) may have a driver still installed or running that is causing your issue every single time you try to use or install ESET's firewall.

I would contact customer care by phone to troubleshoot further. Or go to helpus.eset.com in your browser and start a session.

If this option is unavailable to you, we can try to assist here but we need to see logs.

(Do not post logs here directly as they will contain personal information about your system(s))



The last driver problem i had like this was actually a ZoneAlarm driver, but can come from any other software vendor.

Edited by Arakasi
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Confirmed no third party drivers bound to NIC. Per my post, this issue has happened after re-installs or in-place upgrades to the ESET program was working fine with the environment that was the same after re-install. - ONE customer installed ESET Smart Security TRIAL and everything worked fine. Then he re-installed because our opening windows says "make sure you install other AV's" so a lot of ESET customers get confused by this and uninstall ESET TRIAL. After the re-install and subsequent reboot cannot get online. So if third party drivers were in play here and causing an issue the customer would have had issues with the ESET trial of ESS.

Edited by tmuster2k
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  • Administrators

Does disabling the firewall via gui or tray icon context menu make a difference? If so, continue as follows:

- enable logging of blocked connection as well as advanced pcap logging

- clear the firewall log

- restart the computer and reproduce the issue

- disable logging

- post your firewall log here.

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Confirmed no third party drivers bound to NIC.


Marcos will assist if you follow his directions.

However, how did you confirm? Looking at drivers in Sysinspector ? :)

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7/11/2014 7:23:55 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:65181    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:55 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:55 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:54 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:54 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:49190    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:54 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:54 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:49190    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:53 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:65181    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:54848    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:54848    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:57519    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:57519    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:52 PM    No application listening on the port    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:3540    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:3540    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:23:51 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:51 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:56312    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:51 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:51 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:56312    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:50 PM    No application listening on the port    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:3540    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:3540    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:23:49 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:49 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51899    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:49 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:49 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51899    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:46 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:46 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:61384    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:46 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:46 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:61384    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:43 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:43 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51557    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:43 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:43 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51557    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:42 PM    No application listening on the port    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:3540    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:3540    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:23:41 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:41 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:52327    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:40 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:40 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:52327    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:40 PM    No application listening on the port    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:3540    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:3540    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:23:39 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:23:39 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne
7/11/2014 7:23:38 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:38 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:50738    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:38 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:38 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:50738    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:36 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:36 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:63587    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:36 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:36 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:63587    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:35 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:35 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:54050    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:35 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:35 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:54050    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:60269    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51166    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:60269    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51166    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:58915    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51304    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:52110    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:58915    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51304    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:52110    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:33 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne
7/11/2014 7:23:32 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:32 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:54197    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:32 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:32 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:54197    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:32 PM    No application listening on the port    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:3540    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:3540    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    No application listening on the port    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:3540    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:3540    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:62324    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:62324    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:56908    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block NETBIOS Name Service requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block NETBIOS Name Service requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block NETBIOS Name Service requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block NETBIOS Name Service requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block NETBIOS Name Service requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block NETBIOS Name Service requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:56908    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:23:30 PM    No application listening on the port    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:23:29 PM    No application listening on the port    UDP            
7/11/2014 7:21:28 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:25 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:23 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:22 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:20 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:18 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:17 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:17 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:16 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:15 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:14 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:14 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:14 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:12 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:11 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:10 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:09 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:21:08 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:06 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:05 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne
7/11/2014 7:21:05 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:03 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:02 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne
7/11/2014 7:21:02 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:21:00 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:58 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:56 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:55 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:53 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:52 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:20:52 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:50 PM    TCP packet not belonging to any open connection    TCP            
7/11/2014 7:20:47 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:46 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:44 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:41 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:40 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:37 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:36 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:34 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:33 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:31 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:30 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:27 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:26 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:24 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:23 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:21 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:20 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:17 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:16 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:15 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:15 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:53074    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:15 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:15 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:56799    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:15 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:15 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:49618    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:14 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:14 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:14 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:53074    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:14 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:14 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:56799    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:14 PM    Communication denied by rule    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:14 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:49618    [ff02::1:3]:5355    UDP    Block outgoing multicast DNS requests    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:11 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:10 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:08 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:06 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:05 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:20:01 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:19:58 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:19:57 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne
7/11/2014 7:19:54 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:19:53 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:19:51 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::b892:7c76:ebf1:c4a5]:51174    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:19:50 PM    Communication denied by rule    [fe80::8d5a:cc18:8ace:a6cb]:64197    [ff02::c]:1900    UDP    Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe    NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
7/11/2014 7:19:50 PM    No usable rule found    TCP        C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\clear.fi\MVP\Kernel\DMR\DMREngine.exe    laptop\Jeanne

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1. Is this computer behind an ASUS router ?


2. Have you tried selecting the Default button in the bottom right corner after you enter Advanced > Network > Rules and Zones

Followed by a reboot...


Of course there is nothing but deny rules everywhere.

The strange log is the TCP packet not belonging to any open connection.

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1. Is this computer behind an ASUS router ?


2. Have you tried selecting the Default button in the bottom right corner after you enter Advanced > Network > Rules and Zones

Followed by a reboot...


Of course there is nothing but deny rules everywhere.

The strange log is the TCP packet not belonging to any open connection.

I have even deleted the EPFW rules in safemode and reboot and no go. This issue does not have anything to do with different router types. I have had LInksys, 2wire, DLINK routers so its not router specific. I even pulled logs from Version 5.x and they are identical to Version 7.x logs when doing log all blocked connections. Also imported XML file from working V7 and Working V5 and no go.

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Had a similar issue not too long ago on Windows 7 - I reinstalled Smart Security and I couldn't get any Internet access, even though there was no real reason for it not to work. To get it working again, I did a couple of things so I do not know if just one, multiple, or all helped:

  1. Uninstalled Realtek Ethernet drivers via Add/Remove Programs
  2. Disabled network adapter
  3. Flushed DNS
  4. Reset TCP/IP (Microsoft KB: 299357)
  5. Reset Winsock
  6. Reset all firewall rules, profiles and removed zones from Smart Security
  7. Restarted computer
  8. Enabled network adapter
  9. Smart Security shows window to set network to a profile
  10. Left all default settings and selected either 'Home' or 'Public'
  11. Internet Connection started working again

Might not be relevant and might seem pointless, but I thought I may as well post it in case it helps.

Edited by planet
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Just trying to help here.

There is a known issue with ASUS routers , specific model/firmware, that ESET will not work correctly with.

My office has one.


Again i ask the same question, how did you confirm there are no conflicting drivers ? Did you look through drivers under Sysinspector ?

Also assuming you already uninstalled using the ESET Uninstaller tool in safe mode, and completely reinstalled ESET ? (Not remove from add-remove programs).


You could also try running this tool : hxxp://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/complete_internet_repair.html


Thanks, and sorry for your troubles.

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There is a known issue with ASUS routers , specific model/firmware, that ESET will not work correctly with.

There is only a problem accessing router's administrator interface via http due to a faulty http server implementation on their part. Other than that, there are no known issues with ASUS routers.
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Please compress the log "C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Smart Security\Diagnostics\EpfwLog.pcapng", upload it to a safe location and pm me the download link. Additionally, run the command "netsh wfp show filters verbose=on" (as an administrator) and supply me with the output.

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There is a known issue with ASUS routers , specific model/firmware, that ESET will not work correctly with.

There is only a problem accessing router's administrator interface via http due to a faulty http server implementation on their part. Other than that, there are no known issues with ASUS routers.



Oh you're right.

It is impossible for me to connect directly to it through http, i always have to remote to my server, vs my workstation which runs endpoint security.

My mistake, thanks Marcos.

Edited by Arakasi
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Had a similar issue not too long ago on Windows 7 - I reinstalled Smart Security and I couldn't get any Internet access, even though there was no real reason for it not to work. To get it working again, I did a couple of things so I do not know if just one, multiple, or all helped:

  1. Uninstalled Realtek Ethernet drivers via Add/Remove Programs
  2. Disabled network adapter
  3. Flushed DNS
  4. Reset TCP/IP (Microsoft KB: 299357)
  5. Reset Winsock
  6. Reset all firewall rules, profiles and removed zones from Smart Security
  7. Restarted computer
  8. Enabled network adapter
  9. Smart Security shows window to set network to a profile
  10. Left all default settings and selected either 'Home' or 'Public'
  11. Internet Connection started working again

Might not be relevant and might seem pointless, but I thought I may as well post it in case it helps.

Thank you for the suggestion. I will try these steps and see if it works.

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Please compress the log "C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Smart Security\Diagnostics\EpfwLog.pcapng", upload it to a safe location and pm me the download link. Additionally, run the command "netsh wfp show filters verbose=on" (as an administrator) and supply me with the output.

Hello Marcos. Wondering if you found anything from the logs?

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ONLY current resolution is to go down to Version 5.x. Version 6.x does the same thing.


Would it be possible to test it with v5 and pre-release updates enabled?

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I had this exact same problem back in May.  I opened a Customer Case (1177427), but no solution was really found.  I "solved" (or so I thought) the problem by adding my subnet to the Trusted Zone.  This solved the problem for close to a month, but an unrelated issue caused me to have to execute an "In-Place Upgrade" of Windows 7 to restore functionality lost by the manual removal of (alleged) End-of-Life of msxml3.dll (this according to Secunia PSI).  The In-Place Upgrade solved my loss of functionality of Windows, BUT, it also caused my Eset blocking Internet problem to return--and this time, having my subnet in the Trusted Zone changed nothing.


I am currently operating ESS with the firewall driver file renamed so the firewall aspect is inactive.


Your description of this problem is identical (in all respects) of exactly what I experienced--down to having the same problem in version 6.X of Eset Smart Security.


I didn't try to go back to version 5.X, though.


I sent an email to the ESET Customer Care technician (on Saturday, 7/19) who had handled my earlier case and posed the question to him as to whether the additional elapsed time (since my case got closed) has yielded any new "discoveries".  Googling it is how I stumbled across your entry, so more and more people are seemingly experiencing it.  In one of the last emails I got from Customer Care, they happened to mention more than one client had reported this issue.  They also mentioned all of them seemed to have Realtek as their NIC device.  Rolling all of my Realtek device drivers completely off of my system, though, had no effect.  At-the-time, the only solution that worked for me was to add my subnet to the Trusted Zone.


Unfortunately, that "solution" no longer yields positive results--so my Windows In-Place upgrade has probably moved my system closer in appearance to that of what most other folks (who have experienced this problem) must have....


My original thread on this same problem can be found at https://forum.eset.com/topic/2514-new-smart-security-works-too-well/  (viewers may have to Google for this, as for whatever reason, while I can still find my original thread on the forum, when I key in the URL for it, one gets taken to some link talking about an Expiring License and has NOTHING to do with what is being talked about here.  Don't know why one cannot simply copy and paste the URL into this forum, either).


The Customer Care representative won't be in the office until Monday, so I don't expect I'll hear from him until sometime tomorrow evening.


In addition to having had Realtek network drivers (like other people with this problem), I rolled all of those back--removing the software as I went, until I had nothing but the native Windows device driver.  I still have the problem.


Am beginning to wonder about something else, and that is whether folks with this problem ever had Vista installed on their respective systems, and instead of performing a clean install of Windows 7, maybe ran the upgrade and migrated, instead....  Only reason I ask this, is that whole msxml3 business....  Microsoft provides a KB article that sports the various versions of msxml, but that KB doesn't identify which version of msxml "comes" natively with each version of OS.  When Secunia told me msxml3 was EOL, the recommended "update" was msxml6--which I dutifully installed....  Problem is, msxml3 was not automatically uninstalled as a consequence.  Seeing the presence of an EOL component as a bad thing, I set about to remove it.  Which I did.  Only I broke stuff in doing so....  I couldn't open the System option from Control Panel.  Couldn't view the Event Viewer.  Couldn't do a System Restore....  Stuff like that.  So I had to do the In-Place Upgrade in order to "fix" my Windows installation.


I wonder if msxml3 was native with Vista, while msxml6 is native with Windows 7--and for reasons unknown, when I performed my upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 (a couple of years ago), perhaps msxml3 was "retained"?  And now, it's EOL, but is, somehow, entrenched--and installing msxml6 does nothing to remove the aged msxml3 components....


This may be nothing, or it might be something....  I throw it out there for consideration.  Another data point as it were.


I will try those steps this thread mentions--just to see if I am able to get Internet connectivity restored (when the firewall driver is enabled), but I concur this matter is definitely Eset-related, as it only manifests when it is installed--and, oddly, only after the system is restarted after being installed.


Outside of Eset Customer Care responding to the (closed) ticket email I sent on Saturday, I may have to open another formal case and get them to link the two--or maybe they can just re-open my old case.  I will definitely inform them about this (recent) thread on the Forum, and how the problem is "real" as it sounds as though there's a goodly number of folks being affected.


Will let any interested parties of this thread know of any results I get.




Mike Gentry

Edited by megentry1
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To tmuster2k:

I thought it was mentioned that disabling firewall via gui made a difference but now that I've read through the topic again, I was unable to find this information. Please confirm or deny that disabling the firewall via gui makes the problem go away.

If that doesn't help, what about disabling "Epfw NDIS LightWeight Filter" in your network adapter properties (with the ESS firewall enabled)? 

Also use Log Collector to collect logs at the point the issue occurs, upload the output archive to a safe location and PM me the download link.

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To tmuster2k:

I thought it was mentioned that disabling firewall via gui made a difference but now that I've read through the topic again, I was unable to find this information. Please confirm or deny that disabling the firewall via gui makes the problem go away.

If that doesn't help, what about disabling "Epfw NDIS LightWeight Filter" in your network adapter properties (with the ESS firewall enabled)? 

Also use Log Collector to collect logs at the point the issue occurs, upload the output archive to a safe location and PM me the download If you

IF you disable the Firewall via the GUI you have the same issue. you have to rename epfw.sys to something else. unchecking the drivers from the NIC doesn't do it either. We have been able to get some of these working by doing the following: 


netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

Once completed, please test and see if internet connection has been established, if not, please run the commands below (hitting enter after each command):

ipconfig /flushdns

nbtstat -R

nbtstat -RR

netsh int ipv4 reset

netsh int ipv6 reset

netsh winsock reset

Manual manual + removing the ESET service manually through the registry

Set Computer Browser service to automatic

Disable NIC power settings

Install pre-release update


Reboot and test to see if internet is still working.

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