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Delete Eset Licences From A Device Or Move It To Another Device / Online License Managment


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This affects especially a multi device license.


I would like to know how I can delete a ESET licence on a device, so I can transfer it to another device.


It's also not good that I can see nowhere how many ESET licenses I'm currently using.

And because of this two difficult things I would suggest that you - ESET - create something like a "online license management" where you could do this all. I mean you should be able to...

  • view all licenses that are currently in use
  • delete licenses for specific devices so you can use it on another device
  • see how many licenses you have left
  • see what type of devices or what type of ESET product uses the licenses

You could link this with "myESET" or maybe not and/or you could make it in such a way that you have to login with your licence data (username and password) online for accessing these features.



Only by the way: If this will be implemented then it has a correlation to the topic "AV updates use non-encrypted username / password", because of this two things:

  • If the username/password isn't encrypted and someone steals it he can login online and delete all your licenses for the devices.
  • If someone has stolen your licence and uses it on another device you can see this online and simply can delete this licence on this device.
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Yes, on a side note, it is unclear whether that product is supposed to be available outside North America: 


ESET Multi-Device Security is only available to North American customers!



But at the same time Austrian Customers is able to buy it here:



I have already pointed this out to ESET as it is a bit confusing at the moment

knowing that Austria is not part of North America. 

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I think what stands in the kb article is quite wrong. At first you can see that the kb article is translated into Spanish and Dutch. So this is a bit strange.


And then you can find many download pages of local ESET distributors where they offer multi device licenses:

So it's quite international. Only some countries don't have this product.


Mostly the countries have 3+3 or 5+5 (Windows/Mac + Android) pack or an 3 devices or 5 devices pack.

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License management will change with the upcoming version of Endpoint products. However, I'm not sure if the same system will be applied to future versions of home products as well as it would probably make registration unnecessarily complicated.

In the case of license overuse, distributors usually notify the customer. If license details have leaked, the distributor also changes the password so that the license cannot be misused by 3rd persons.

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Marcos is correct !

As a distributor i take care of every one of my clients and their licenses. Discussed here .

Customers with 1 single family pack or multi of course seems to be on their own to pay attention to their devices and which ones have ESET. They always have the ability to contact or call ESET and ask them to see how many are being used.


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it would probably make registration unnecessarily complicated


Why complicated? Just login online with your license username and password. Every ESET products sends already if it will be activated it's information to ESET. During every update check it sends quite the same information and licence and also (as far as I'm know) an ID (so you can differentiate the versions). And if the license is invalid (or it is deleted from the dashboard) then it just sends back "licence is invalid".

To improve security you may also link the licence dashboard with myESET or send an additionally password by email to the users of the license.


In the case of license overuse, distributors usually notify the customer. If license details have leaked, the distributor also changes the password so that the license cannot be misused by 3rd persons.


OK, this is good to know. But how they got out that the license is misused by another person? I can't see it somewhere and ESET can also think that I have activated the license on this device.



And it also would be good to know what to do if I - actually - want to delete my licence from on device. Or can't I do this and I have to left the licence on the specific device until the license expires? If this is so I have to think good which devices I activate with the license, because if I can't "deactivate" the licence for this products have to use it on the device forever (or until it expires).


@Arakasi: Maybe you're right and all know which licences they are using on every device, but if they just want to know it (and maybe there are some people that don't know how many devices are using their license) then they should call ESET? Every time they want to know. Hey, we live in the 21st century and it's much easier to use if you have just a web page!

It's also not only viewing the licence - It's deleting from devices; moving to other devices, it's managing, maybe also seeing how many days remain and then buying... It could also be good for upgrading the license pack (3 devices to 5 devices) for special offers etc.


And as I described above you can see that it's difficult or maybe even not possible to delete a licence from one device and with this solution it would be much easier (and possible) to delete a licence.

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OK, this is good to know. But how they got out that the license is misused by another person? I can't see it somewhere and ESET can also think that I have activated the license on this device.

For my business clients ERA lets us know of license issues. For home users, they have my contact info if something is amiss, i also have a list of every license and can test.


Speaking of deleting licenses, its only 1 username for licenses (EAV-****) for license counts ie 4. or 5 PC etc. Giving the user access to add/remove license count would not work. I am not sure of the programming involved in setting a max count for the user and what type of errors or prompts and checking against ESET servers and database would take. It may be easier said than done. Could be some massive programming needed to implement this kind of infrastructure. :)


I'm not saying its a wonderful idea, because it is a wonderful idea. :D

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Massive programming?


I don't think so. At activating the license on a device just writes into the database when a license is used, for what device and which product and maybe also an ID to identify it. If there are already 3 or 5 devices using this license then it returns an error.

So if there is checked for updates now it just sends an request to the ESET server (including the ID). The server checks now if the license is expired and if the ID is in the database and if it is then it's all ok.

If the user now deletes an device it just deletes the device in the database (or it set a value to "false" at "activated?").


So if the ESET product checks the next time for updates then it gets an error and the device can't use the license anymore - the license is deleted.



And I don't like to say it, but a business rival has already included such a good feature.

Here some screenshots:


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Sorry but you nor I know what kind of backbone database is being used here. We will not know. Therefore we have no clue if it would take a lot of programming, or if it wouldnt.

I was simply speculating.


I have been programming myself for a long time.

Let me give you an example of SQL code for the process you are describing. (standby for this, very busy day for me)


What if ESET is using a different method for storing and keeping up with licenses.

I would never in my life, ever tell ESET to copy Norton. They fail at life.

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I was simply speculating.


Yeah I'm also speculating - or maybe I'm saying like it could be theoretically. How ESET implements it that is another thing...



have been programming myself for a long time.

Let me give you an example of SQL code for the process you are describing. (standby for this, very busy day for me)


Oh thanks, that's a good idea to "illustrate" it a bit. And I worked a bit with SQL so thanks.



What if ESET is using a different method for storing and keeping up with licenses.


Then they should improve there method or they should use a similar way. We are not their programmers so we can't say how they should do (and can do) it. We only can give tips and say how it can be done.



I would never in my life, ever tell ESET to copy Norton. They fail at life.


Yes! I also have to say sorry for this, but I only want to show that it isn't (also practically) don't requires "massive programming" (link) or that it is "make registration unnecessarily complicated" (link) and it finally is possible.

So only remember "They have done it and so you can do it more than ever!".

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Example code for 1 single check select statement & 1 single Add to DB on 1 database using .NET


Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Dim cn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=SERVER;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial catalog=Database Table")
            'Open Connection to SQL Db
            Dim tran As SqlTransaction = cn.BeginTransaction()

            'Declare sql functions for the database
            Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT name FROM table WHERE Number= " & SingleQuote & variable.Text & SingleQuote, cn, tran)
            Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() 'Declaring the reader for sql
            Dim name As String
            Dim Answer As String

            dr.Read() 'Opening and using the reader for sql
                ' Check if there is entry for user placed in text field by checking name in db

                If IsDBNull(dr("name")) Then
                    'If Entry :
                    variable.Text = CStr(dr("name"))
                End If

                'If No Entry :
            Catch ex As Exception
                Answer = MsgBox("No Name located in the database. Would you like to enter current Name into the DB?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
                If Answer = vbYes Then

                    Name = InputBox("What is the name of the agent?", "Agent Name")

                    If Name = "" Then
                        'end connection to sql db.
                        MsgBox("SQL connection closed. Cancel was pressed or a null string was entered for name.")


                        'Creating new entry into db.

                        Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Table VALUES (" & SingleQuote & Name.Text & SingleQuote & "," & SingleQuote & NAME & SingleQuote & ")", cn, tran)
                        cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery()                                              'Example:           ('ab123','John doe')

                        MessageBox.Show("Entered New Number and Name into database.", "Number and Name Entered", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

                        ' Go back up to top to search again and place new name in text field
                        GoTo 1
                    End If
                ElseIf Answer = vbNo Then
                    ' Closing SQL connection

                End If
            End Try
        End If
    End Sub


Basically to convert this to English is this :


1. Connect to Database

2. Check if there is a user or number existing, if so... proceed.

3. Add 1 name, and 1 number corresponding into the Db

4. i made so many changes in the code not to list my own servers and users and numbers, there are probably a few variables that are wrong.



As you can see this is for 1 single entry. The amount of work that would be needed to write this code ......


Keep in mind this is my personal code from a project a few years ago.

This code is also .NET, and it is also on a local server ( the computer initiating the action and the sql server resides on the same network ) Having it used for a client computer or a PC outside ESET's network would be far different.

Also we have no clue if ESET is even using a SQL server, it could be Access, MySql, Apache, Oracle ???? Could be using ASP, which sucks compared to other options.


I simply did this and shared to shed some light on the amount of work that goes into development.

Plus for Rugk. :)

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Arakasi, could you please put it into the "code-tags" for SQL. You can do this at the button left of "Quote".

Edit: Oh no... I see it's not pure SQL. You are using .Net?  .NET is a software framework and no language. Maybe you used C++/CLI or something of this kind.


PS: Only about 70 lines of code. That's not much - also for 1 entry. They also have some stuff at ESET......

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To communicate with SQL inside another language is what my example is. You still have to use SELECT statements, etc. However it gets embedded inside the language your using.

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT name FROM table WHERE Number= " & SingleQuote & variable.Text & SingleQuote, cn, tran)




Arakasi, could you please put it into the "code-tags" for SQL. You can do this at the button left of "Quote".


Thanks rugk , Done. :) The color is not correct between code and notes though.Anything following a " ' " is a comment.

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Yeah of course you need SQL commands, but I would like to know in which language you wrote the rest. I can SQL a bit but I don't get out what the other language you used is. (.NET isn't a language so...)


So maybe I create an PHP script using an mySQL database tomorrow with the same function. But it can takes some time...

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I think that would be useful if Eset has possibility to run other tasks remote, not only related to license ex: update, run scan, etc. 

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I think that would be useful if Eset has possibility to run other tasks remote, not only related to license ex: update, run scan, etc. 


Yes maybe this would also be useful. But it's not necessary. At first we should have an online license management.

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