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Trojan Perseus not detected by Nod32

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I have used a keygen, which was not detected by Nod32, but in Virustotal.com, 24 engines out of 72 detected it as suspicious, malicious, Trojan Perseus, etc. Should I do something to get to solve this by Eset team? 



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It's a crack, ie. a benign file. While cracks are generally unwanted in corporate environments, detection by AV is not mandatory. We too detect cracks sometimes but the correct classification should be as a potentially unsafe application, definitely not a trojan. Cracks do not do anything malicious, they are just illegal.

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It's a Keygen it's normal to be detected , but as Marcos have said , it has nothing malicious to do , only illegal.

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However the problem is that because these come from untrusted sources some cracks, keygens etc. can be booby trapped 

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The most common detection of this on VT is Gen:Variant.MSILPerseus.195746. That is it's a generic detection which as a rule, yield higher false positive detection's. The only main stream AV products detecting are BitDefender and Symantec. Others, most notably Kaspersky, do not detect it.

Overall, it appears this download is OK. That said, anyone using cracked software these days is in essence playing Russian roulette as far as ending up with something undesirable on your device.

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