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Would like some advice?

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Hi i would like some advice about whether to switch to ESS from NOD32  

i do have a ESS licence 

my OS is windows 8.1 64bit

i have a laptop

i have 8gb ddr 3 ram

i have an intel core i5 cpu

i do use malwarebytes as well with exemptions  

i do have a netgear router with inbuilt firewall and i currently use windows firewall  


is there better protection from eset's firewall than the windows firewall?


thank you 

Edited by dom1da
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my router has a firewall option, I haven't touched it, since ess does the job.

I haven't worked with the windows firewall since I let ess manage everything, I suppose the latter has some more advanced options.

go for it, you do know they are the best products on the market :)

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  • ESET Staff

Hi dom1da,

When you do install ESET, make sure that you uninstall Malwarebytes first. Using two antivirus programs at the same time can cause problems. You can visit this Knowledgebase article where we list removal tools for common antivirus programs, the tool to remove Malwarebytes can be found in the "M" section.

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