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Offline License

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Dear Support


I created offline license from ELA.Eset.com.when I create a Task for assigning the offline license to our clients , the clients got online license and show my clients in Ela in 'units managment' section.

What can i do for preventing clients to get license from Online?

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If computers have Internet connectivity, you should not use an offline license file for activation. Therefore it is not clear what you mean by "getting license from online". Please clarify.

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Dear marcos


My clients do not have Internet connection.The problem happens when The console upgraded from 7.0 to 7.1

It happens on just 10 of our clients.most of them work correctlly(mean getting offline license)

Do the clients use console(ESMC) as proxy for connecting to Internet???

A picture attached.

The picture shows that we have two offline license one for endpoint antivirus and the other one for server edition .

The third is for online clients.

The online license shows that it overused but when i active an endpoint antivirus edition i use offline task.


Edited by hamed_masoomi67
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  • Administrators
1 hour ago, hamed_masoomi67 said:

Do the clients use console(ESMC) as proxy for connecting to Internet?

ESMC itself is not used as a proxy. One can choose to install Apache http proxy if using the All-in-one ESMC installer for Windows or enable it while deploying VA on a hypervisor.

The text in the screen shot is difficult to read. Also it's not clear to me what you mean by "offline task". I'll leave this to my colleagues with expertise in ESMC to reply.

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  • ESET Staff

I would recommend to start by checking usage status in ESET Business Account, where you will see exactly which machines are taking.

From screenshot it seems that you have 3 licenses: do I understand it correctly that third license has 50 seats and no offline file for this license was created previously? If so, it might indicate some problem in ESMC 7.1 console - showing 210 (180+30) offline licenses. This would be true especially in case ESET Business Account won't be reporting overusage.

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Dear support


we have a license with 260 clients.

From ela.eset.com,I split the license into 3 parts.180 for endpoint antivirus(most of our clients has no internet connection).30 for server's edition and 50 for online clients

the screenshot  shows that we have 3 activation task,the first one is for our clients that have no internet connection and the second for my servers and the third one is a activation task for some of my online clients(I use activation code for activating the clients that have internet connection)

For activating a client that has no internet connection i have used the first activation task(180 clients) but when i start the task my client gets license from online task and finally third activation task gets red(it says that the license overused)

Why does happen this action??

when our offline license gets full it automaticaly switches to online task,is it true?? 

Edited by hamed_masoomi67
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  • ESET Staff

Can you share screenshot of the "malfunctioning" client task configuration? The one which is intended for the activation of the offline seats? Also, please note, that even when activated using offline file, client still tries to connect to ESET licensing servers, and in case it succeeds it will report license misuse/ violation on ELA / EBA and prevent generation of further offline licenses. You have to either reactivate such clients with online license, or manually restrict communication with ESET license servers on such computers. 

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