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Moved ERA Database to another server but ERA can't connect.

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I am trying to move the local SQL EXPRESS database of the ERA server to an existing Database server.

I tried to move only the database from an original ERA installation edit the connection file (startupconfiguration.ini) and test if it works. I tried in in two different database servers one at a time but no luck, after 5 secs the eset service is stopped. The settings are double checked and are the same as the original database in both the databases. I used microsoft sql management and I successfully login to both the new databases and also i used a udl file to test the connection credentials and all seem to work.

Is there something I missing out, any help will be appreciated.

Thanks, Peter

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When I had to move my server it would not come up due to a "authentication error" I found in some log file. I ended up changing the password of era_user in the MS SQL manager  (Security/Logins) to be what I found in the startupconfig.ini file. After a restart of the service it connected. Hope it helps!

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thanks for the answer, In my case I used the same credentials from startupconfiguration.ini to create users in bothe the new MSSQL servers and also I used the MSSQL Server Management Studio to confirm that the credetials work.

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  • ESET Staff

Please check SERVER'strace.log located in: C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server\EraServerApplicationData\Logs for more detailed error.

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Thanks Martin, I get this on trace.log:


2017-12-13 09:47:20 Error: Service [Thread 1d04]: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]

Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.usp_static_object_ids_get'. (2812)
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