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Future changes to ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security, ESET Smart Security Premium and ESET Ultimate Security

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Yeah, that's fully okay of course. We are here to discuss things and it's of course good to hear the opinions of users (from other forums).

However could you please give us the links to the threads where they talked about it, so we can read their findings by ourself and maybe also reply to them?


Exactly. Because my experience is quite different and I see ESET protecting users from zero-day threats perfectly (btw, many of them are usually not detected by other AVs at VT). I'd like to comment on concrete malware samples that ESET didn't protect you from rather than speculate about unknown comments.

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Yeah, but (@khairulaizat92) please give us the links... Please!



It's already here.



You can set ESS to show a message when a new version is available and you can upgrade it with a few clicks. This way you will get a notification about every new version for which ESET decides to release it as a PCU - this will be of course the case for a new major version (v9).

Edited by rugk
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Hello rugk


And thank you for taking the time to answer me.


Yes, but if you show with these screenshots, in the case of the first capture shalt research is on Version 8, and if a newer version is present, eg 8002 instead of 8001 there 'get the update.

But in the case of a new major version, such as the release of version 9.0, I do not think the update automatically'm from version 8, am I wrong?



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Have a look at my edit.


But in the case of a new major version, such as the release of version 9.0, I do not think the update automatically'm from version 8, am I wrong?

Yes, v9 is a "new product version" after v8, so you will get a notification if you select "Regularly check for latest product version".

Edited by rugk
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Does the toolbar "antispam"'ll be back soon in Thunderbird?

Much more convenient than "wasting time" in the product interface.


There had been a discussion there there's some time ago on the forum.



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I advice to be included in section ''Tools'' options connected with feedback. Users of Eset Smart Security to have possibility to express opinion and to make suggestions for future versions.

User opinion is important and the easiest way to share it is  directly through the program. 

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Don't you think it's enough to ask for feedback in this forum?

Additionally you can already submit feedback through the contact form in the product. There is an option "Feedback".

Edited by rugk
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ESET already have a small "problem" in that too many people submit what they think is malware via the in-built submission form, but what really is no malicious files at all, it's usually just "junk".


If they also were to include a "future changes" (purpose of this thread), in the GUI they would get loads of unnecessary suggestions all day long such as "hello, my computer is so slow, can you please add a system speedup function to make it faster ?"


No, doing that would be a big mistake and a waste of staff resources that would need to wade through all "ideas". Many users doesn't even know what the product is and how it works, they just read in a Mag that it was good so they installed it, or it got installed on their machine by a friend, technician, or someone knowledgeable that knows it's a good bloat free product. So how would these users know what type of features that fits in the program, they could submit all sorts of irrelevant product feature suggestions. And most users don't want the product flooded with new features in every new versions, they want it to stay small and slim.


Besides, people that actually are interested in ESET software already knows where they should go with their ideas and suggestion. 


And yes of course, all ESET users can express their opinion freely on the Internet if they like, but not through the program itself, it's not a chat client that we are using :-P.

Edited by SweX
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Don't you think it's enough to ask for feedback in this forum?

Additionally you can already submit feedback through the contact form in the product. There is an option "Feedback".


Option Feedback from contact section is present and can be placed at sigh, maybe in Tools.

Edited by Octavian
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1. You are not the first to want the GUI to be easier to read or similar, but I doubt a new version of the current one will be released as they are currently working on a new GUI that I assume will look different.


2. Yeah quite many users that used that button in earlier version want that function/button to make a come back into the tray menu.


You can actually vote for "Update now" here if you want....

"What option do you find useful and would like to add it to the tray menu?"


Edited by SweX
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Thank you for the feedback SweX.


1. I hope the new GUI and  program retain the current's simplicity/ non-busyness. I much prefer it that way. But the current font size is barely readable for me. (It was the same for me in ESS.)


2. Will do, thanks for the link.

Edited by eshrugged
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Thank you for the feedback SweX.


1. I hope the new GUI and  program retains the current's simplicity/ non-busyness. I much prefer it that way.


You're welcome.  


Yes indeed, so do I :)

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I hope they do NOT dumb down the program like Kaspersky did theirs.


I buy ESET because of its configurability.




I haven't looked at that program in some time but as a generality I agree with the --- 'don't dumb things down'.


As it stands, ESET's GUI has a nice balance with an ease of use 'front face', default configuration for the less able or willing in the household and a password protected (if enabled), advanced section for the admin type. And for everyone -- accessible, readable, useful help files. Whatever they're paying the writer(s) has been well spent. I hope that never changes.

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Kaspersky's take was that the vast majority of their support calls were from people messing with the advanced settings and not knowing what they were doing and making a real hash of it. They did have a list of registry settings for the increased tweakability, but they were not prepared to release them.


The only (very minor) issue I have had with ESET for a long time (and it was reported), if I log out of Win 7 and log back in again, on the login Gamer mode is active.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this was mentioned: Rollback/journal feature similar to Webroot Secure Anywhere. 


How it works:


-Unknown file is detected > File gets journaled after install > if file is found bad at a later date, all changes the file made are reverted back and file is deleted/quarantined OR if file is found good, it is removed from journaling and added to good list.

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Not sure if this was mentioned: Rollback/journal feature similar to Webroot Secure Anywhere. 


How it works:


-Unknown file is detected > File gets journaled after install > if file is found bad at a later date, all changes the file made are reverted back and file is deleted/quarantined OR if file is found good, it is removed from journaling and added to good list.


Well, I would prefer Active heuristic and I believe ESET has implemented it. 


"Active heuristics are referred to by a variety of names by different vendors. Some call the technique “sandboxing”, others call it “virtualization” or “emulation.” In all cases the idea is to create a safe virtual environment, run the code to be inspected and watch the behaviors in order to assess risk." (Source:hxxp://static2.esetstatic.com/us/resources/white-papers/Understanding_Heuristics.pdf)


If any unknown infection is found, ESET will move or have a copy of that infected files after deletion into the quarantine. Based on what I know, ESET will rescan those infected files after every virus definition update by default. I, as a user, have my responsibility to ensure that the infected files in the quarantine are indeed infected and are not false positive detected files. If it is false positive, I could then safely restore back the file and let it execute freely, otherwise I would just delete it. Besides, I would also prefer ESET to detect the unknown infection before the infection could do any irreversible damage to my system, rather than journaling it and letting it execute freely. 

Edited by yongsua
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to suggest that if the upcoming ESS could include PID for each process in the Rule and Zone editor as it would be much helpful for me to determine which svchost and the thread inside it is attempting to connect to Internet. Thank You.




As you can see from the above pic, I really have no idea which svchost is attempting to connect to the Internet. 



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