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About mar122999

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  1. I'm a little confused on how this new feature works. I set everything to 'reporting aggressive'. With default settings everywhere else, will I receive a pop up (that allows me to deny) if something such as malware, etc. triggers this aggressive setting?
  2. Windows 10 x64 , Eset 11.54 (tried pre-release updates), Chrome 67 Hi. I was wondering why ESET Banking and Payment Protection doesn't auto load on popular US sites such as (I know I can add them manually): chase.com paypal.com capitalone.com coinbase.com tdameritrade.com Also, why the limited support on extensions for password managers in Banking Protection? Ones I've had problems with are: Sticky Password Dashlane Ones that have worked: Roboform Anyway, it would seem at ESET would stay on top of things such as this. Especially something as simple such as white-listing and auto loading the sites above. Why does this feature feel half baked? I'm not trying to rag on ESET, only curious on why? Thanks for your time. P.S. I understand the security flaws extensions can bring, but they can't all be that bad. Banking protection is unusable without a password manager being allowed, especially considering (I've heard) ESET uses Sticky Passwords technology to run their own PW manager (which is allowed).
  3. Just curious why there is no locking feature on Secure Data that locks the encrypted container if too many incorrect passwords are entered? (ex: such as: 10 incorrect attempts would trigger a 1 hour lockout). Wouldn't this make the encrypted container safer against brute force programs? I don't know if this is permitted, but as an example...Kaspersky encryption does this.
  4. Description: UI Overhaul to consolidate settings and make them easier to access Detail: Settings in the newer ESET versions are more difficult to find. Previous versions of ESET (I believe around ESET 8 and under) were simpler to navigate. Thanks for your time
  5. I understand what happens when you try things. My intention is not to circumvent any license restrictions ...etc. Anyway, moving on... The licensing gets even more confusing on ESET's order page for multidevice. It says: Mix-and-match, Protect up to 10 PCs/Macs/Androids Mix-and-match, Protect up to 6 PCs/Macs/Androids So from ESET's order page, it seems 10 PC mix and match is there policy now, not 5 + 5. Anyone else have any helpful information? What do I think: I believe ESET had the 5 + 5 , 3 + 3 policy a couple of years ago when released, then changed it to mix and match due to the backlash it received (crazy licensing idea IMO). Now all previous and current US products are mix and match. IDK though.
  6. Description: Default Deny Detail: Auto block applications that are not on a white-list determined by ESET.
  7. I currently have a copy of ESET Multi-Device. It expires later this year. I can use up to 10 PCs on my current license. My question is: The wording on some of the boxes (possible older versions) seems confusing. Such as this Amazon item: hxxp://www.amazon.com/ESET-Multi-Device-Security-2014-Android/dp/B00ISW63N0 It looks at though it is only for 5 PCs and 5 Androids. (ex: can't use it on 6 PCs). Here is a review from PCMag. Look at the Cons section and what he says: hxxp://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2498731,00.asp So my question is: How does multi-device work? Did the policy change throughout the versions? If I were to buy the Amazon copy, would I get a full 10 PC/Android of installs on whatever I want? Thanks! Update: I just looked at my current license and per ESET's license email they sent me, it does say I can install it on up to 5 PCs, but I have installed it on more than 5 with no problems....I'm so confused
  8. I looked around but I can't find much information on ESET's behavioral protection and how it works. How does the behavioral blocker in ESET work? Sorry if I am vague, but I am just curious to see how ESET handles unknowns and the steps it uses to process them.
  9. Not sure if this was mentioned: Rollback/journal feature similar to Webroot Secure Anywhere. How it works: -Unknown file is detected > File gets journaled after install > if file is found bad at a later date, all changes the file made are reverted back and file is deleted/quarantined OR if file is found good, it is removed from journaling and added to good list.
  10. Is this article out of date? Was written about 2 years ago. If so, do any of you know any more up-to-date guides on setting up ESET for maximum security? hxxp://umbra-polaris.blogspot.com/2013/04/how-to-set-eset-smart-security-for-max.html
  11. Deny where? It appears only in interactive mode of firewall and HIPS but selecting Deny automatically would not only render interactive mode useless but would also cause too many troubles if every action/communication was denied without asking the user. I am reffering to the antivirus part of ESET. All files will be checked against a whitelist (maybe through Live Grid). If the file is unknown, not certified...whatever, then the file is blocked.
  12. Description: Default Deny Detail: Incorporate a default deny for people wanting rock hard protection. (EX: Kaspersky Trusted Application Mode and Avast Hardened Mode Aggressive).
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