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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Do you have protocol filtering enabled in the advanced setup?
  2. Please describe the issue in more details. If you type a username/password in a secure browser, the characters that are displayed on the screen are different? If so, it's likely that you have another software installed that scrambles keystrokes.
  3. Since this is an English forum, please write in English. As for blocking 18+ websites, use Parental Control to block access based on categories.
  4. Since the discussion has gone off-topic, we'll draw this topic to a close.
  5. If temporarily disabling the firewall helps, continue as follows: - enable advanced firewall logging in the advanced setup -> tools -> diagnostics - restart the computer - reproduce the issue - disable logging - collect logs with ELC. When done, upload the zip file with logs to a safe location and pm me a download link.
  6. It sounds like the firewall was blocking some communication. I assume that with the firewall troubleshooting wizard you would have been able to allow the desired communication quickly. if you come across the issue again, feel free to ask for assistance if you are unable to figure out the cause.
  7. If you are really using ESET NOD32 Antivirus, there's no chance that ESET would block all network communication as it doesn't contain a firewall. Only HTTP(S), POP3(S) and IMAP(S) communication can be blocked. Please clarify what communication is blocked. If http, is also https blocked or vice-versa? Does pausing web access protection make a difference? If not, what about temporarily disabling protocol filtering in the advanced setup?
  8. This was confirmed by Microsoft to be a bug in build 16257. They plan to fix it in next builds.
  9. I don't know what you are trying to prove but it's not a big problem to "make" a test where ESET will detect 100% of actual new borne malware while MSE none and publish such "tests" with different malware on a regular basis.
  10. Which one(s)? I'm eager to check them closer. Also are you talking about executables? Because the situation is a bit different if, for instance, a script malware (downloader) is not detected but the payload is so in the end the computer doesn't get infected.
  11. I would recommend contacting your local customer care. A removable drive should be scanned after connecting it to the computer. Couldn't it be that it takes long to complete scans due to many files on the disk and it's still being scanned when you attempt to eject it? Make sure that automatic scan of removable media is disabled in the advanced setup.
  12. If you have upgraded from v9, it could be that v9 update servers remained set in the registry after upgrade. I'd suggest uninstalling ESET, removing "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security" if exists and then installing ESET from scratch. Alternatively you can change the value of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\Settings\DefaultServerCount" to 0.
  13. Do you have the latest v10.1.219 installed? If so, please provide me with the following logs created by the attached tool. Extract it from the archive and run it from the command-line console started with administrator rights as follows: EpfwWfpRegV10.1.2.exe /unreg > unreg.txt EpfwWfpRegV10.1.2.exe /reg > reg.txt EpfwWfpRegV10.1.2.rar
  14. It should be detected as a potentially unsafe application. This type of detection is disabled by default as it covers legitimate applications that can be misused for malicious purposes. You can enable detection at your discretion.
  15. I agree. Drawing the topic to a close. So far I've checked 2 archives provided by malkil and all files but one were detected. The undetected file was clean and the vendors that reported it were wrong and reported a false positive. Waiting for malkil to provide me with actually undetected samples via a pm.
  16. There aren't various levels of quarantine but there are 3 cleaning levels. With standard cleaning, potentially unsafe or unwanted applications, or archives that also contain benign files, or files on which a virus was detected but cleaning was not possible are not cleaned automatically and the user must select an action at the end of a scan. To clean everything automatically, set strict cleaning mode for the on-demand scanner profile that you intend to use for scanning.
  17. I have no clue what could be causing it. You should at least upgrade to the latest ERA v5.3 which has fixed many issues. Without having the latest ERA, clients may also stop updating if they update from a mirror created by ERA.
  18. ERA 5.1 is quite old, the latest is v5.3.39 when speaking about the old ERA v5. However, we strongly recommend to start using ERA v6 and installing Endpoint v6.5 on clients. Endpoint 6.6 is about to be released soon and will contain further enhancements and fixes.
  19. Please uninstall ESET, delete the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security" and install ESET from scratch. This issue sometimes happen after upgrade from v9 when v9 update servers remain set in the registry.
  20. @MSE Block without the url being on the list of allowed websites: Detection with the url on the allowed list of URLs: Is the eicar test file detected on your machine by web access protection when attempting to download it from http://www.eicar.org/download/eicar_com.zip ?
  21. Not sure if you are a local reseller but this forum is not intended for internal ESET business discussions and requests. Please contact your local distributor or channel manager.
  22. Should the problem persist, pausing which of the protection modules make the issue go away?
  23. I'll wait for the files to show that more detected files do not mean higher program quality or detection since it's a myth that some users still believe in. Then we'll close the topic.
  24. ESET does not show any pop-up notifications about updates by default. If you have them enabled, you can disable them in the advanced update setup.
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