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Parental Control - total disappointment

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Dear ESET team and followers,


I run a Endpoint Antivirus licence for my 13 employees for several years now. I use Mobile Security on several devices (Android), too, and I would buy everything again and recommend it.


That´s why I bought Parental Control without any doubt... but it doesn´t work AT ALL. No activity of my 12 year old is on protocol. No reglementation works on the childs mobile (she´s lucky about it!). I get the summary mails, the apps are running fine (the surface is brilliant, as usual) - but no activity is screened, no limitation is working. The app seems to be deactivated. Reinstalled it several times, pressed every knob, I know the usual tricks. No success.


I wrote to your service (ESET Germany), got confirmation mails and ticket numbers back. Two times. No reaction ever, for fifteen days now.


Today I let Google Play refund my money and deinstalled the apps. Total disappointment in function and service.


Do you have any explanatation?


Friendly regards





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  • ESET Moderators

Hello Lutz,

I am sorry to hear that.

Can you please PM me the numbers of the tickets? I will ask our German support team to look into it.



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  • ESET Staff

Hi @Lutz,


I test the ESET Parental Control using a LG G2 Mini as father device and as childrens a Soho Tablet and Samsung.

So far restrictions applyed works perfectly (too perfect IMHO) and reports are good.

Furthermore, I just receive an email telling me one of my "childrens" not use the device in the last 3 days.


Perhaps is something with the model or you bump into a bug,

What devices you setup (model) as father and for child?

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  • 7 months later...

I‘m also using ESET Antivirus and I also bought Parental Control without any doubt. ESET is evrywhre ESET. However, my daughter manages somehow to log off and I do not receive any notification about it. She uses internet as much as she wants and I do not get any information that Parental Control is off.  It would be great to hear suggestions how to avoid such strange situation.

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