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SSL error when logging in to SpiderOak One

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I'm trying to log in to my SpiderOak One backup, using the SpiderOak application (version 6.1.3) on Windows 10.


When I try to login, I get the following error, but I can't work out if it's due to the SSL scanning in ESS or not. Perhaps someone can help ?


Here is a screenshot of the error message




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I was having an issue similar with my income tax software. I assume your backup software is 100% trusted? Also note that what I am going to recommend will disable all protocol filtering protection for the application i.e. the network traffic will not be scanned for malware.


The following instructions apply to version 8. Navigation might be slightly different for version 9.


From the lower Eset desktop icon, select "Open Eset Settings." Then select Eset "Setup" setting. Then select in the following order; Web and email -> Web Access Protection - configure -> click on the Protocol filtering "+" sign to open its options -> Excluded applications. Then enter a checkmark for any applications related to your backup software as noted below:




Finally click on "OK" box and "Yes" for any subsequent UAC prompt. Then close Eset settings GUI and test your software.

Edited by itman
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With v9, you can set interactive mode for SSL/TLS filtering and exclude the particular certificate when prompted. You can also exclude the certificate at a later time in the list of known certificates in the SSL/TLS setup.

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In my situation, the software Internet connection was not made through the browser. As such, no way to exclude the certificate. Hence, the solution I proposed.

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