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Non-Functional Network Tab


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We have been experiencing a growing number of "Non-Functional" Personal Firewall, Network attack protection (IDS), Botnet protection (see attached picture) issues with our Security Endpoint clients.  This first presented itself with Security Endpoint 6.1 and it is still happening as of 6.3.  We have seen this happen most commonly with our Microsoft Surface Pro 3 machines, however it has also occurred with Lenovo Thinkpads as well.  If this happened once to a user, it could be chalked up to an anomaly, but for some users it has happened upwards of 5 times.  There also seems to be no rhyme or reason to it as well.  A user could go weeks or even months before they turn on their computer one day and their ESET Network services are suddenly non-functional.  


ESET's response to this is to uninstall and reinstall the product.  A repair will simply not work.  We have opened up tickets in the past and have provided ESET developers with extensive log files but they had not provided any other solution.  


I am curious as to what others who have dealt with this issue have done.


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What OS is installed on these systems? Does it happen also on other systems than Windows 10?


Please post the output of running the following commands (run with admin rights) + the output from LoadOrder tool (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/loadorder.aspx):


sc query epfw

sc qc epfw


sc query epfwlwf

sc qc epfwlwf


sc query epfwwfp

sc qc epfwwfp

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We have also been experiencing the same with a number of windows 10 machines; it is functional then one day, months later, it becomes not functional.


I have not found a fix for it either, uninstall and reinstall does usually work, but when you have a number of machines on your network with the same issue it is a temporary solution, not a fix.


Is there any progression on this?

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Problem machines for the most part are Windows 10.  I believe it did happen once on a Surface Pro 3 running Windows 8.1.  The user has since upgraded to Windows 10 and has continually had this issue reoccur.  If this is an issue with ESET running on Windows 10, which has been out  for 7+ months, one would think it should have been addressed by now?


Attached are the output logs you have requested.



Edited by erothenberg
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hello guys,, i faced same problem.   click for each item of that 3 ,  make permanent disable each service . restart pc & come back to activate all of them,, hope to work with u

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hello guys,, i faced same problem.   click for each item of that 3 ,  make permanent disable each service . restart pc & come back to activate all of them,, hope to work with u


That method does not work.  That has been tried several times in the past.

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What messages is returned when you run "net start epfwlwf" with administrator rights ? Is ESET Personal Firewall ticked when you navigate to your Ethernet adapter properties?

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Please see attached pictures for answers to your 2 questions:









Note: ESET Personal Firewall is no longer even listed

Edited by erothenberg
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The same issue is discussed here. You can either install epfwlwf driver manually as per the instructions in my post #8 or uninstall EES and install it from scratch. We are aware of issues when Windows 10 loses this driver during upgrade from an older version of Windows but we've remedied (worked around) all deficiencies of Windows 10 that were known to us. It'd be great if somebody could provide us with instructions how to reproduce this issue when epfwlwf driver is not present in the system after the upgrade.

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Thanks for the response.  While reinstalling the epfwlwf driver did fix the issue - at least for the time being, it is not really a solution - more so, it's a temporary workaround.  This does not solve the underlying cause of why the issue is happening.  I would love to be able to take a healthy machine and reproduce this issue on the spot, but as I mentioned earlier, there is no rhyme or reason to triggering this issue.  It happens randomly.  

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