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I'm using Eset Smart Security Premium, and I need an explanation

After the installation, the original size of the Program Files\Eset folder was around 600 MB but then it suddenly jumped t0 900 MB

I've looked at the changes and noticed that two folders have doubled in size: em002_64 and em023_64

Both of them contain the different versions of the same module - currently 61452 and 61452 for em002_64, 36549 and 36551 for em023_64.

What's the purpose of these duplicates? And why these modules (I've noticed that em049_64 also has duplicates - 20128 and 20130)?

Thx in advance


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Those are not duplicates but different versions of modules. It's probably because those are modules updated with every update and upon module reload both the previous and the new version must be loaded at a time for a small time period.

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I meant duplicates in a sense that they have the same file name (represent same modules) not that they're the same files.

I assumed that they are kept there as a fall back version, but I don't understand why only these and not all of them.
How are module folders related to modules presented in the update section? There are more folders than listed modules and the names of the folders inside the modules folders don't represent the versions listed in the modules section.

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You could disable the update rollback feature to have only one module version in the folder. The more snapshots you create, the more versions of modules there will be and the more disk space the modules will take.


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