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Mac ERA Agents Consistently stop connecting


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I've noticed that over half of the Macs on my network do not reliably connect back to the ERA server. Usually if a computer is turned off or asleep for a period of time, the Agent will not contact the server until a new Agent is installed or the computer is restarted several times. Same issue with MacBooks that are taken off network for several days or weeks at a time, they do not reconnect to the ERA when they are brought back.


Any way of fixing this? The majority of the Macs have EES 6.1.16 and the latest version of the Agent.

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  • ESET Staff

Could you please run next commands on affected machine while AGENT is no longer connecting? Are affected machines using ERA 6.3? We had problems with socket-timeouts in previous versions of ERA (that is what happens after you wake up because there is no network for some time).


Appending some basic diagnostic command that could help us locate source of problem.



Checking whether AGENT process is running:

sudo pgrep ERAAgent

Checking state of AGENT's service:

sudo launchctl list com.eset.remoteadministrator.agent

Print errors from AGENT's trace.log:

sudo cat "/Library/Application Support/com.eset.remoteadministrator.agent/Logs/trace.log" | grep "Error:\|Fingerprint"

Checking whether crash dumps are available:

sudo ls -la "/Library/Application Support/com.eset.remoteadministrator.agent/Dumps/"

Print ERAAgent process information (in case it was running, i.e. pgrep ERAAgent returned actual process id):

ps -p `pgrep ERAAgent` -o args,comm,etime,group,nice,pmem,vsz,rss,pcpu,pgid,pid,ppid,rgroup,ruser,time,tty,user

Restarting AGENT service:

sudo launchctl stop com.eset.remoteadministrator.agent
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  • ESET Staff

The majority of the affected Macs stopped connecting after performing the components upgrade to 6.3


Could you please check trace.log on you SERVER and search for network related errors. Especially DNS resolving or hostname resolution could be reason for this issue.

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