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Hi guys,

I've seen a lot of threads mention this error 'Error initializing personal firewall' & just wanted to start my own thread re my issues with pc's having this problem...


Seeing a firewall problem on 2 pc's, both running Win10 64-bit...


1st pc:

Upgraded a month ago from win8.1 to Win10; it had ESS v.8 running without any issues but I chose to upgrade to ESS v.9.

when it rebooted it gave the error 'Personal firewall has stopped working'; I ran the un-installer in Safe Mode & re-installed ESS v.8 which has worked successfully since then without any issues, so I'm reluctant to go to v.9 & will leave it for the time being

This pc was fully patched prior to & after the Windows upgrade, everything else is working on it


2nd pc:

Has had no AV installed but had been scanned clean of viruses

Was Win8.1 fully patched, upgraded to Win10 then windows updates done again

Installed ESS v.8 & after reboot it gave the error 'Error initializing personal firewall'

Not sure whether to try installing v.9 or not?


Thanks in advance.



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