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Is it true the COOKIES cannot be harmful?

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I use SUPERAntiSpyware Free not for it to detect any malware or anything, but simply to get rid of the tracking cookies...


now let me ask you this?


What happens if I don't install SAS? And those cookies are always on my computer? What do they do? how harmful is it?


Shall I continue what I do which is to run SAS every now and then or no need for it altogether?

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Why not use CCleaner or the "cookie option" in your browser?



More on cookies.



P. S. I got rid of free SAS-had an issue and got ZERO support.

Edited by TomFace
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With tracking cookies, they are like flies that don't go away - they're aren't harmful but they are quite annoying. These days they are adopting new ways of tracking in browsers (javascript, databases/storage, flash, etc.), but if this stuff matters to you (personal/targeted advertising, recording browsing habits, etc.), then I highly recommend for each browser you use to to visit hxxp://www.aboutads.info/choices/ (with all ad blockers, extensions, etc. turned off and all cookies accepted temporarily) and opt out of all companies (then turn back on extensions and cookie settings, and possibly install their 'Protect My Choices' extension so you don't need to do this all over again if your opt-out cookies are accidentally deleted). It's not a 100% fool-proof solution, but the list is growing and is still a step forward.


Alternatively (or additionally), you can use CCleaner as TomFace mentioned (or a browser extension) to whitelist the cookies from websites you need and just delete the rest occasionally (or automatically if possible).

Edited by planet
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