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Can't connect Eset Console to Eset Server.

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any ideas why i can't connect to the ESET Server ?



i have the correct username and password, but it can't find the server.


many thanks



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Unfortunately, it's not clear what version of ERA and Endpoint you have and what exactly you're trying to do. Please clarify.

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Ah yes sorry let me get that for you now.


Remote Administrator Console : V2.2.26.0

V6 ESET Remote Administrator - Linux Appliances (Server) | v6.1.33


the ideal is to use the console on admin computers instead of remoting into the web portal to administer the Eset server, to perform all the usual tasks involved with running an AV server.


hope that helps.


Paul S

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I assume you mean V6.x.x.x not V2.x.x.x? If so, there is no console, it's all done via the web portal now.


EDIT if you mean v5 console (which does exist) then it will only work with V5 ERAS, not V6.

Edited by jimwillsher
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Yes, the v5 console and server (ERAS and ERAC) work together, but for v6 there is only the web console, which can be used by multiple people and is accessed via a normal URL. You can also have extended timeout values so that people can leave the console open all day.


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