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Outlook 2002 IMAP won't open body of message

Go to solution Solved by Guest Gary,

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Recently, perhaps an MS update, Eset Smart Security has started to block Outlook 2002 on a Win XP SP3 system from opening the message body on AOL's IMAP server.  I say body as the subject lines of the new messages appear just fine, but no matter how preview or opening the message, does the body of the message display.  I also have a gmail IMAP account and it is not happening there.  When this happens occasionally the ESET engine reports that it had to shut down and asks to send a crash report.  Also I've had Outlook report a timeout when this happens.  If I temporarly disable email protection Outlook is happy.


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If ekrn is crashing, enable generation of complete application dumps in the ESS advanced setup (Tools -> Diagnostics). When ekrn crashes, upload the dump to a safe location and PM me the download link. The path to the dump file is shown in the previously mentioned setup pane.

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If you have not already done so, can you try turning on pre-release updates in your copy of ESET Smart Security, performing an update manually to download all the pre-release modules, and then letting us know if the problem still occurs?



Aryeh Goretsky

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Guest Thierry



Same problem for me with Outlook 2010 and ESET (email antispam is activated). Gmail (imap) is ok, but my other provider account (imap too) is blocked (infinite loading of the body when i click on the subject). I need to manually desactivate protection (and not firewall) to get it work.

This behaviour is very recent, so i imagine it is an update. I got 6.0.316.1 (last version) and some interference with outllok and eset antispam module. I don't want to install pre-release on my computer, so I need to wait for a patch. Just to let you know this problem affect several people.


Best regards.

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  • ESET Moderators



Thank you for helping confirm that the issue is fixed in the pre-release module updates. 


When it becomes available as part of the regular updates, I will let you know.




Aryeh Goretsky

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