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How to start "Safe Mode"?

Go to solution Solved by Alf Becker,

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Hi folks,

There are two problems I have (all under Windows 10):

- When I'm in the "Safe mode for banking and paying" some of the characters I type are wrong; example: "I write a commentar^, and ths the result. Maybe you ca^see, what I´mean?" This is most disturbing, especially when I have to type a password, where I only see the dots /stars. Anyone a hint?

- For some days the "Safe mode for banking and paying" doesn't show up any more. It's switched on an I have all my money related pages registered as "Protected Websites". But when accessing these sites they open in a normal browser window, not safe, not secure, just plain window. Anyone a hint?

Thank you all very much in advance


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Please elaborate more on what you mean by "Safe mode for banking and paying". Did you launch a secure browser via the "ESET Banking & Payment protection" shortcut on your desktop?

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Hello, Marcos,

Thank you for the correct translation. As I'm using the German version, I was only able to deliver a very rough translation ...

And yes, I'm trying to use "ESET Banking & Payment protection". When it was still possible, I had Problem no. 1. But for some days I'm having problem no. 2.




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A standard browser is a browser that is not launched via the "ESET Banking & Payment protection" shortcut. It's labeled Firefox, Edge, Chrome, etc.

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"Only ESET staff has access to attachments." When you say this, I believe you ;•)

So here it comes.

Will I get an answer here then? Or by email?

Thank you for helping me so far



Edited by Alf Becker
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There are no issues logged. If you launch a standard browser. If you launch a standard browser with the "Secure all browsers" setting on the issue doesn't occur?


Could you confirm or deny if temporarily disabling Keyboard protection or Advanced memory protection as asked above makes a difference?

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35 minutes ago, Marcos said:

If you launch a standard browser with the "Secure all browsers" setting on the issue doesn't occur?

Could you confirm or deny if temporarily disabling Keyboard protection or Advanced memory protection as asked above makes a difference?

From painful memory I can confirm, that exactly this problem occured when I "Secured all browsers". All my texts were scrambled. So I switched it off as soon as I recognized the cause.

But now (!) - with "Keyboard protection" disabled - the keyboard seems to work fine.

So, either I let all browsers in the secured mode or I abstain from "Banking & Payment protection". To call that for certain windows is still not possible.

Thanks again for your help!


P.S.: What have I lost with "Keyboard protection" disabled? Do I live dangerously now?

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By disabling keyboard protection you disable the key scrambler so a possible keylogger could eavesdrop what you type.

You could try temporarily uninstalling 8GadgetPack, Powertoys or another application that may scramble keystrokes.

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