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Hello, Currently I'm using Eset Mobile Security on my mobile. I'd like to make some feature requests.
1. Automaticlly turn ON GPS when "find" request is recieved, even if GPS is turned OFF.
2. Take screen shots with front camera(if available) when someone enters worng password multiple times.
3. Just like remote find, add remote Scream.
4. Application Protection(ability to protect apps with password).

5.Contact Protection( Hide, Backup)
Hope you implement these.. Sorry for my English.
Thank You.

Edited by Vignesh Raja
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  • 11 months later...

The GPS ON feature is definitly important to me (and others for sure).

GPS is off most of the time, it's only on if I need Google Maps or something like that.

ESET Mobile Security is active as a device administrator so it should be no problem to activate GPS if a "eset find" command is received!

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  • ESET Staff

I don't know about the others requests, but as far i know:

Take screen shots with front camera(if available) when someone enters worng password multiple times.


Camera snapshot is taken right after you enter wrong pass.




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  • 1 month later...

I currently have the Samsung Note 2, GPS eats up the battery. Currently i always keep GPS turned off, unless im driving and using Waze. I pray that in the future version we can have Automaticlly ON / OFF GPS.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that would be very useful SMS command that enable GPS, can be added also a SMS command or activate Mobile Data when is sent ''Eset find'' command.  

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