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Virusradar.com And Virus-Radar.com


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I just found a small thing out. ESET have two times the same website for their virus encyclopaedia:

They have exact the same content and there is no redirection between these two sites.

This can be a bit vexing...


What's the reason for this?

Edited by rugk
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They bought both domains.

If someone has a typo, and forget to add the hyphen. Same location pulls up.

Or just the fact that you can type either in and get to , not really the same place, but the same content is displayed.

Maybe one should just redirect as you stated, i am puzzled why they would build 2 entire indexes. lol

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But both addresses are resolved to the same IP:

So they use the server and always the same data is displayed, isn't it?

Yes I think one could redirect to the other, so all users would know what is "the real address" (the better one ;)). At this time every use has to decide himself what address he finds better.


By the way: I find www.virusradar.com better.  :rolleyes:  Also if you click in the program on "help and support" you come to virusradar.com and not to this thing with the hyphen. ;):P

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  • ESET Moderators


I am unsure of the exact reason for this; but I think there may be some third-party automated systems which still pull from one or the other URLs, so both are kept lit as a courtesy.

Is there a particular problem you see with have both URLs available?


Aryeh Goretsky

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A Problem... Maybe that users could get confused or think that one is a fake...

And you have to spend money on both domains. ;)


But generally I don't mind if it still remains the same.

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Yeah, maybe. But they could also make a redirection from virus-radar.com to virusradar.com...

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Yeah, it's really not a big problem.

Yes it's a none issue really as both are safe, but people that use virusradar.com and are familiar with that domain may one day instead end up on virus-radar.com (or find it via a google search, or on another forum or similar) and might ask themselves if someone have created a fake website to look exactly like virusradar.com.

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Yeah, it's really not a big problem.

Yes it's a none issue really as both are safe, but people that use virusradar.com and are familiar with that domain may one day instead end up on virus-radar.com (or find it via a google search, or on another forum or similar) and might ask themselves if someone have created a fake website to look exactly like virusradar.com.


Yes this was also my concern.

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Yeah, it's really not a big problem.


I've asked ESET North America via Twitter to verify that both links are in effect owned by ESET Sro


While it would seem that Virus-radar.com & virusradar.com are both owned by ESET, we await and official statement.

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They are resolved to the same IP. So they could be: A) both faked and not from ESET or B) both original from ESET.


And I think B is correct.

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