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Exchange errors

Go to solution Solved by Steven Theck,

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Could someone please help me with the following errors ?


Cmdlet failed. Cmdlet Set-TransportAgent, parameters {Identity=ESET Filtering AV Agent, Priority=2}.


Cmdlet failed. Cmdlet Enable-TransportAgent, parameters {Identity=ESET Filtering AV Agent}.


Cmdlet failed. Cmdlet Install-TransportAgent, parameters {Name=ESET Filtering AV Agent, TransportAgentFactory=XmonAgent.XmonAgentFactory, AssemblyPath=E:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Mail Security\XmonAgent.dll}.


We're rolling out a new exchange server and busy with testing phase when we saw the above.

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  • ESET Moderators


Can you tell us which version of ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Exchange Server (incl. SP level for the latter) you are running?


Aryeh Goretsky

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Does the following help?

- disable ESET Transport agent in the advanced setup

- wait at least 1-2 minutes for the change to apply

- enable ESET Transport agent

- wait at least 1-2 minutes for the change to apply

- check if the issue persists

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I am experiencing the same issue as frannac.


I am using ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server version 4.5.10022.0 on MS Exchange version 15.0.847.32 (2013 SP 1).


I tried what Marcos recommended and it did not fix the issue.


After digging deeper into the problem, I found that the "ESET Filtering AV Agent" Transport Agent is not being created in Exchange. I tried manually creating the Transport Agent from the PowerShell and received the following error:

The TransportAgentFactory type "XmonAgent.XmonAgentFactory" doesn't exist. The TransportAgentFactory type must be the
Microsoft .NET class type of the transport agent factory.
Parameter name: TransportAgentFactory
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: ( [Install-TransportAgent], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=ExchangeServer,RequestId=5e13cc9d-1a7a-41b5-8822-bd8dcf4cf101,TimeStamp=6/30/2014 1
1:11:42 AM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-ArgumentException] 890B4548,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.AgentTasks.InstallTr
+ PSComputerName : exchangeserver.corp.mydomain.com


Edited by Steven Theck
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  • Solution

I found my solution to the problem, and hopefully it will help frannac and any others experiencing the issue.


The errors occur with Exchange 2013 SP1 only, and are due to invalid XML code in the global assembly cache (GAC) policy configuration files. A permanent fix will be released with CU5, but Microsoft has released a fix for now.



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  • 2 weeks later...


sorry for the late reply,

I actually managed to fix the issue by upgrading my Eset to the latest version. Even before upgrading to CU5 for exchange.


But thank you Steven Theck !

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