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Request Configuration

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I have a question about "Request configuration" task from context menu on the client.

I have a static group and under this group are some dynamic groups. Dynamic and static group have a different policy. For example on dynamic group I have a policy for Web access protection where I have own list of URLs which are blocked. When I run Request configuration and task finished I cannot see my own list of blocked URLs. I try to look for configuration on the client and there is my own list.

How can I get final configuration on the client?

I have ERA v6.4 and Endpoint product v6.4.

Thank for your answer.

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  • ESET Staff

This seems to be a known issue of currently latest ERA configuration module. You could verify/confirm this by checking Configuration module version in ERA Webconsole's about dialog -> affected module version is 1461.10.

This issue will resolve itself automatically (= by ERA modules update) once fixed module version is available.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ESET Moderators

Hello Pavol,

the module will update automatically, once we release it.

ERA server and agents as well check the availability of module updates on regular basis.

Regards, P.R.

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