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I keep getting a message - HIPS ....

Keeps asking if i want to allow windowws, et al - to access file.  About every 20 seconds.  How should i set HIPS.  My options are

- ask every time.

- remember until appl. quits.

- Create rule....

Appreciate any help.

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Hello jems. Here's what Marcos is talking about.


Filtering can be performed in one of four modes:

Automatic mode – Operations are enabled with the exception of those blocked by pre-defined rules that protect your system.

Smart mode – The user will only be notified about very suspicious events.

Interactive mode – User will be prompted to confirm operations.

Policy-based mode – Operations are blocked.

Learning mode – Operations are enabled and a rule is created after each operation. Rules created in this mode can be viewed in the Rule editor, but their priority is lower than the priority of rules created manually or rules created in the automatic mode. When you select Learning mode from the HIPS Filtering mode drop down menu, the Learning mode will end at setting will become available. Select the time span that you want to engage learning mode for, the maximum duration is 14 days. When the specified duration has passed, you will be prompted to edit the rules created by HIPS while it was in learning mode. You can also choose a different filtering mode, or postpone the decision and continue using learning mode.

Mode set after learning mode expiration – Select the filtering mode after learning mode expires.


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Thank you tomFace & Marcos.  set it to to smart mode.

Guess this closes this topic - appreciate the help - Tom - always love the quotes.  Tasteful, & makes you think.

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