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  1. Business firewall does not include firewall setup in local GUI. Management of business firewall is possible only by ESET Protect. If you need FW setup in local GUI, you should switch home version ESET Cyber Security of version 8.2 which will be release in cca 1-2 months. Home 8.2 will have the same firewall as business version, but with local setup.
  2. ESET antivirus was updated to ESET Security because you had enabled automatic product update. If you do not update program from GUI then product is updated to newer version during macOS restart. Update of macOS will do restart so product is updated. If you want to not update it you could disable automatic updates before doing OS restart. Product was informed you about it by several ways: notification, status in main GUI, info message in Update section of main GUI. Anyway, update to newer version is good step because you received latest product version that usually fixes bugs of its predecessors. If you do not need some product functionality you could rerun onboarding wizard which allows you to disable some product components. There won't be another version of antivirus. Both product lines: antivirus and security were merged to one ESET Endpoint Security. This new multi product has scalable functionality so if you activate it by antivirus license you will get only antivirus functionalities from the product, e.g. firewall won't be installed. But this is valid only for home version, business version has activated firewall for all versions for now.
  3. Apple supported solution to manage this user consent stuff is to use MDM. Bass, I understand that it is hard to do user consent action on 50 Macs, but this situation is created by Apple and according Apple recommendation you should use MDM to manage those Macs.
  4. It is hard to help because information provided here is not sufficient for finding specific advice. Generally, v8 added new feature - Firewall. So if you upgraded from older version without firewall, you have to enable firewall system extension in macOS. In this situation onboarding wizard should be executed after product update. Wizard could help you setup macOS and solve your problems. If wizard was not executed or you closed it you could rerun it once again. It is as bundle in application bundle in helper subfolder. Or run this from command line: open /Applications/ESET\ Endpoint\ Security.app/Contents/Helpers/Onboarding.app
  5. Bas, this is problem of macOS itself. Apple decided som years ago that some actions in the system could not be done without user consent. Allowing system extensions is one of actions protected by user consent. So if you are not satisfied with this behavior you have to write to Apple. We can do only what is allowed by macOS.
  6. If you set correct exclusion to backup process you could still see that real time protection is scanning backup files because other system processes could access those files, e.g. spotlight indexer. This could be turned off by correct performance expulsions on target or may be source folders. But if you will exclude so much it is dangerous, you can backup infections too. So if such huge exclusion is used it is important to scan source backup folder[s] by custom on-demand scan with In-Depth profile before backup. This on-demand scan on source data before doing backup is good to do regardless exclusions because od-scan, especially in in-depth profile, does more strong scanning that real time protection. RTP can not do it because strong scannig is time consuming and not too much real time.
  7. Hi, you must write complete path to process binary. It is not sufficient to use application bundle only. Wildcards are not supported. e.g. if I want to exclude Safari I should create process exclusion with process path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
  8. Losing FDA during restart of macOS is macOS bug. We did workaround in released latest 7.4 to do not trigger this macOS bug.
  9. Losing FDA is macOS issue. We did workaround for it in ECS 7.4.1600.0 and EEA 7.4.1500.0 too. We did nothing for V6, because V6 was not affected by this issue during our compatibility testing with Sonoma. If you need EES v6 for some reason and could not upgrade to EEA, you should wait until Apple fix that issue in macOS. Just for my information, what functionalities from EES V6 are you using that prevents you to upgrade to v7.4.1500.0 ?
  10. There is not plan to add new feature in V6 in the future. LiveGuard is planned for V7 later but it is not planned to add it into V7 in, at least, next half year.
  11. If you did everything correctly and it still not working you should wait for release of build with fixed quarantine issue. May be you could try one more hint: problematic file is in quarantine subfolder 'root' You could move this folder outside of quarantine subfolder to another disc location, e.g. to you ~/Documents/. Move means thet root folder is deleted in original location. Next restart macoS. Then try quarantine in GUI again, it should work. This allows you to restore all files except the ones that were in root subfolder. You can return root subfolder back after we release build with quarantine fix and then you will could restore rest of you files.
  12. I suppose you see it again with 7.4.1600.0 build. If yes, there's nothing we could do with it and you should wait until Apple release macOS fixing this issue. We are sorry, but we did everything we could do to fix this OS issue.
  13. Two ESET developers replicated your issue with content of your quarantine. Removing '356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB.*' from root quarantine fixed the issue and quarantine started to work for both developers. Let me summarize what you should do, more deeply: upgrade product to ECS 7.4.1600.0, the latest version of v7, we tested it with this build go in Terminal to you quarantine folder cd /Library/Application Support/ESET/Security/cache/quarantine check owners and POSIX right of your quarantine subfolders and files. Check it for files in subfolders too. Correct settings is for folder is: rwxrwx--- eset-ecsm-scand eset-ecsm-daemons file is: rw------- eset-ecsm-scand eset-ecsm-daemons if you settings are different correct it by these commands for: files: sudo chown eset-ecsm-scand:eset-ecsm-daemons *.* sudo chmod 600 *.* subfolders: sudo chown eset-ecsm-scand:eset-ecsm-daemons <replace_by_subfolder_name> sudo chmod 770 <replace_by_subfolder_name> in quarantine folder fro root user delete problematic files cd root rm -Rf 356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB.* verify that problematic files are removed ls -la | grep 356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB must return nothing restart macOS you quarantine in GUI or terminal should be working
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