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Posts posted by planet

  1. @planet

    Hmmm interesting, so you see the 3 people in a que icon, instead of the file status.  :)


    Yes, only for the recently discovered ones that have no classification yet (even before the unknown yellow/orange icon). It used to be blank before something happened late last year, but now it shows a random user icon (sometimes one person, sometimes two people) which shouldn't be there. Anyway I don't want to hijack the topic, just wanted to mention this in case this issue in Smart Security is the same thing.

  2. I just wanted to also mention a similar issue over on the Cyber Security side that may explain this issue - as of now, processes without a classification are showing random user icons instead of it being blank until ESET can set the classification (like an unknown yellow icon or green tick)... maybe Smart Security is showing the green tick icon (due to a visual bug) instead of it being blank (or however it should be), like how Cyber Security is wrongly showing the user icon instead of that being blank (that's how it used to be before something happened late last year)?


    In other words, Cyber Security (and I'm assuming Smart Security too) used to show a blank spot for an unclassified process or executable until the unknown yellow icon is shown, but they both are resorting to showing a green tick in Smart Security or a user icon in Cyber Security due to a visual UI bug?

  3. I don't know if it's already been mentioned (I did look through as best as I could), but one suggestion would be to mask the password field when entering license information in the Username and Password section of Mobile Security.
    At the moment the password is always visible, so adding a checkbox to 'show password' instead (like in Smart Security & Cyber Security Pro) would make me feel more secure.


    And yes, good luck with your ECS (Pro) Feedback! :D


    Thank you!  :D

  4. Hi,


    Yeah I see you edited post as instructions in email don't have a Services folder under Macintosh HD > Library.


    You know how to remove them from context menu?


    Thanks. Appreciate your help.


    Yes I edited the post since I tested it for myself and saw that the instructions were not going to work.


    The only way I found I was able to successfully remove them from the Finder context menu was to reinstall ESET, enable the context menu in Preferences, then disable it, and restart the Mac (and then uninstall ESET and restart once more if you no longer wish to use ECS or ECSP).


    It seems that if you leave the context menu turned on, the uninstaller deletes the files for the context menu, but the entries remain visible in Finder (when clicking on an entry OS X gives an error that the file no longer exists).

  5. Does anyone know how to fully uninstall the product. I thought i did until I just noticed when i secondary click a file for example, under Services > the options to scan, clean file etc are still there for ESET.


    Have your restarted your Mac after uninstalling?

    They will continue to appear until you restart your Mac.


    Oh, you are right. The context menu continues to appear even after uninstalling.

  6. Hi Kerrie,


    Usually with ESET Cyber Security Pro you are able to install it and leave everything as is after setting the profile for the Network. The fact that you are having issues as you've mentioned is very unusual. The trial and full versions are also the same file and product, the only difference being the activation.


    With your Wi-Fi setup, it seems that you don't actually need to use the AirPort Base Discovery rule after all (since you need to have an AirPort Base device), so why it's becoming the cause is also very unusual.


    Since you've switched back to automatic without uninstalling ECSP or setting all firewall rules back to default, you may have some rules you've previously set that are interfering with normal use (like Safari).


    With ESET crashing, it is something I have noticed as well and have mentioned in a topic - hopefully they are working on it for a fix in a later update.


    You can export your current rules and other settings if you wish, just follow the export instructions here so a file can be saved and imported in the future: How can I import or export my ESET Cyber Security or Cyber Security Pro configuration settings using an .xml file?


    I then highly recommend at this point to follow the numbered instructions in my previous post (please back up as required just in case), with a added step after number 3:

    By doing this, we will have ensured that all Norton programs are fully removed at this point to avoid any conflict.


    When you reinstall, you can activate ECSP with the same username and password provided to you when you first activated.


    After completing the steps, you will have everything set as the default, along with an automatic firewall that should never prompt you for a connection permission again (Only asking for a profile for every new connection). It also automatically scans your Mac after every definition update and keeps you protected automatically in real-time. You can initiate your own in-depth scans simply by clicking on 'Deep Scan' in the Scan section of the program, which will scan your whole Mac for you.


    If you start having issues again, continue with Peter and ESET to work towards a resolution as it is quite unusual.


    With the file from Peter that you've downloaded, you simply double click on the ZIP file to extract it, and then double click on the extracted file.


    Sorry that you are having these issues, usually ESET Cyber Security Pro does not have this much trouble with a Mac.

  7. You shouldn't be notified of definition updates if Windows Defender is turned off (which it should be since you have ESET Smart Security installed).


    Might be good to double check if Windows Defender is actually turned off - click Start, type 'Windows Defender' and open it. If it is turned off, a message should appear confirming so. If you don't see a message and you see the main window for Windows Defender instead...


    For Windows Vista: Click 'Tools', then 'Options'. Click 'Administrator options', remove the tick next to 'Use Windows Defender' and click Save.

    For Windows 7: Click 'Tools', then 'Options'. Click 'Administrator', remove the tick next to 'Use this program' and click Save.

    For Windows 8 and Windows 8.1: Click on the 'Settings' tab, then 'Real-time protection' and remove the tick next to 'Turn on real-time protection'.


    Afterwards, restart your PC and manually check for updates. Hopefully you should no longer receive notifications about definition updates.


    If you are running Windows 7, it might also be good to run the automated Windows Update troubleshooter provided by Microsoft to check that Windows Update services are running correctly. (The download link is linked as 'Windows Update Troubleshooter' on the page).

  8. It already had endpoint security before...

    But it was only an antivirus... now there is the "complete security suite" - the business version of ESET Cyer Security Pro.


    Here you can still see the old site with old screenshots: hxxp://www.eset.com/int/business/products/antivirus-for-mac/


    Yes I was aware it had NOD32 or 'Endpoint Antivirus' but not a Security suite, which is new to the Endpoint family.

  9. I recently switched from Norton to ESET, ironically on the basis of a couple of reviews I read which said ESET was better integrated into mac than other security software and worked more silently!!

    I was the same, switching from Norton to ESET because of the same reasons.


    Why would this be the case if I was not using a public wifi, (and have never used public wifi, in fact), and since i installed ESET I had only ever used my home wifi, which I had defined in ESET as 'home' profile.

    That is unusual - when you first install Cyber Security Pro you are immediately asked what profile any current connections should go. By default, and until you set your own profile, ESET will use the Public profile which includes blocking the discovery rule that you mentioned. Clicking on cancel will also set it to Public by default. I'm assuming that you are using Airport to connect wireless for your Mac, which is why you were experiencing the issues. Why ESET didn't follow the Home profile if you have selected it though is very strange.


    I would also like to clarify that Cyber Security Pro has predefined rules named 'Home', 'Public' and 'Work' - but doesn't relate to an actual public Wi-Fi, for example. So since Public is the default profile to use, that is why you see Public (and Work) in some cases.


    After stumbling around I discovered there was an interactive mode on the firewall so I have been 'allowing' everything that has popped up as a 'saved rule' for the 'home' profile. Some of them turn out to be things like Dropbox trying to synch, or other apparent mac core processes, and one adobe updater. But in so doing, ESET seizes up until I respond to the popup so an in-depth scan i kicked off overnight stopped 1/4 way in after another mac process tried to access the internet and as I was not there to OK it, everything stopped happening.

    By default ECSP uses an Automatic mode with the ability to also make custom rules for those few rules you need instead of trying to make rules for absolutely every connection. If you didn't want to keep allowing everything and just wanted your Airport connection to work, you are able to keep it on Automatic, and uncheck the specific Airport rule in the Public section to avoid future trouble again, whilst having everything else set automatically. If you want the interactivity for every connection then having it set to Interactive is fine, it just means you'll need to approve something yourself before a connection can proceed, which can cause some issues with some applications if the user doesn't respond with allowing or denying the rule.


    Currently, to cut an even longer story short, I am at the point where if i want to use the internet I have to turn off all scheduled scans, and disable the ESET options for Real Time File System Protection and Network traffic filtering, in order to turn on my computer, have other software respond, (such as microsoft excel or word) or connect to the internet in safari. So basically, I can't surf the web AND have web protection on at the same time, and i can't have scheduled scans unless i want them to prevent me using anything else while they are on and they take a long time to get through. As a computer illiterate who only knows enough to be dangerous, I just want the defaults to work. Obviously this cannot be the case for ESET. SO can anyone tell me what settings I need to turn on or off in ESET to get the thing to BOTH protect me AND allow me to surf the internet in Safari?

    Here's what I recommend:

    • If you can recreate any issues for Peter immediately, please do so per Peters instructions before continuing.
    • Uninstall ESET Cyber Security Pro by following this KB Article: How do I uninstall or reinstall ESET Cyber Security or ESET Cyber Security Pro? up to Step 5.
    • Restart your Mac.
    • Redownload ESET Cyber Security Pro from the ESET website.
    • Close any open Applications as possible, including Safari.
    • Install ESET Cyber Security Pro with the default settings (with your decision for Potentially Unwanted Programs).
    • After installation is complete, you will immediately be presented with a dialogue box to select a profile for your connection. Do NOT press cancel, select 'Home' and press OK.
    • Activate ESET Cyber Security Pro, and let the program update and complete a start up scan on it's own. You will know it's done when the ESET icon in the Menu Bar (top right of Mac) is present, instead of a coloured circle with a spinning indicator (Note: After updating, the ESET icon will appear for about ten seconds before going back to the spinning icon - this is transitioning from the update to a startup scan and should wait until the scan is finished before doing anything else with your Mac).
    • To temporarily prevent further issues, click on the ESET icon > Preferences... > Firewall. Change the profile in the 'Rules' tab to Public and uncheck the rule regarding Denying the AirPort Discovery Base. Do NOT set the Firewall mode to Interactive though.
    • Close all ESET windows and restart your Mac.

    After restarting your Mac, see if you have any issues with what you described earlier. If you feel as though everything is going great, go back to the rules and enable the rule regarding AirPort Discovery Base in the Public section. Finally, if you really want to use the Interactive firewall so you can control specifically what can be allowed or denied, you can do so now.


    If you are still experiencing issues after this, please follow Peters instructions for ESET.

  10. Scrolling in my rulez editor, due to a connection error to my Synology using one of my iOS8 apps, I came across this strange fellow!(?) It blocks all outgoiing ports / al internet for the eset_proxy. Is it correct that this rulez handles all outgoing traffic thru ECSP?




    This can happen when the rule doesn't detect the running application properly, instead showing esets_proxy as the application of the connection - this was happening in earlier versions and should be fixed in


    I'm assuming that it does handle the rules, along with Parental Control and Web Protection - but I could be wrong.

  11. Hello Planet,


    I'm not sure, but I don't think there is a need to integrate ERD into the ECS products as they have rootkit detection and protection built in. Doing a on-demand scan with ECS/ECSP should do the same(and also detect more than rootkits of course) as doing a scan with ERD. I assume ERD is mainly for non ESET users that want to make a scan on their Mac to see if they are infected. 


    Hi SweX, ah yes you're right!  :rolleyes: Should've looked at the user guide more closely.



    [...] ESET Cyber Security Pro are capable of proactively eliminating infiltration by viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, adware, rootkits and other Internet-borne attacks without hindering system performance.


    But that means the non ESET users can't really use the detector as it doesn't support Mavericks and now Yosemite, and is still in a beta state - will this detector be worked on at some point in the future or was it just an experiment or side-project?


    Either way, to know that ECSP is protecting me already is great. Even if I repeat myself now and in the future, ESET Cyber Security Pro has got to be the best security product available for Mac OS X.  :D

  12. I do not see a list of interfaces like ppp0, en0, awdl0 etc, all I see are rules, zones or profiles, and the zones lists subnets (and the occasional wireless SSID)


    I don't see any tie in between interface and any subnet .. something that would be nice, i.e.  en0:  in the zones would have been nice


    Hi Weety, in the zones section you can add or modify an existing zone where you are able to add an interface using the 'Interface' section and with your example you can also add a subnet to create the zone you require. Additional interfaces are automatically added to the list when the interface is active.

  13. I'l like something that would list the interfaces that are in a specific zone inside the firewall 


    When an interface is detected you get asked what zone it's in, and you don't see this inside the firewall preferences


    I think you get asked what profile you want to use for the interface, and then in advanced options you can add a zone if you want Cyber Security Pro to remember this connection. You can see current profiles used on active Network Interfaces by going to the main window, clicking 'Setup' on the right and then 'Firewall'. You can alter or modify zones either by staying on the same page and clicking 'Configure rules and zones...' and clicking on the 'Zones' tab, or by visiting the Preferences window via the menubar icon and clicking 'Firewall' and then the 'Zones' tab. There you can decide how to associate interfaces or networks with profiles, including using a whole interface to decide on a profile instead of a specific network.



    Hi planet,


    Great thread, thanks for your effort and time! BUT, on the other hand it keeps me from upgrading to v6.0.14.0. Any idea when ESET will fix all bugs and issues, do you have direct contact with the techies at ESET?


    Thanks again and cheers!


    I have no idea when or if anything will be looked into or fixed. :( No, I don't have direct contact.

  14. It turns out that a recent update is the cause of this - if you install Cyber Security or Cyber Security Pro, activate and update before looking at 'Running Processes' for the first time, the blank columns occur.


    If you update after looking at 'Running Processes' for the first time, the columns will remain visible even after updating.


    Can anyone else reproduce this?


    Edit: Now seems to be resolved.

  15. The only down side with force quitting esets_proxy (as well as other ESET processes) is that protection and stability is affected at times, meaning you won't be protected for phishing, malware domains, etc. for a while or until you shutdown or restart OS X.


    Restarting the Mac is the safest option to go, until something is done...  :(

  16. Hi planet,


    Thank you much for your prompt reply and directions! I'll give that a spin tomorrow on my OSX Yosemite 10.10 test SSD! I like it to be able to try before I 'buy'! ;)



    Hi planet,


    One more thing, how do I manage my current settings if I remove v5 and clean install v6? Thanks again for your directions





    ESET provides a great Knowledge Base article about exporting your settings into a file (to then import): "How can I import or export my ESET Cyber Security or Cyber Security Pro configuration settings using an .xml file?"


    Personally I found that trying to do this with a major version difference caused some issues in the long run, but you can give it a go anyway.  :)

  17. I've noticed with ESET Cyber Security Pro 6.0.14 on OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 that Web and Anti-Phishing protection stops scanning at random points during use. I'm not sure if it's stopping after putting the Mac to sleep or if it's stopping by itself.


    For example, the statistics section displays that the last scanned item for today was a website visited at around 11am, and the events log last shows a Proxy Agent event at 11:32am with nothing new since. So until I manually restart my Mac, I am no longer being protected both on the web and for phishing without any indication. This can be confirmed by visiting the "Feature Settings Check - Phishing Page" by the AMTSO which ESET actively supports.


    When the Mac is restarted, protection is active until it decides to stops working at some point again.

  18. Just received this pop-up. No clue what this means, computer is a strange numbered sort of mac-adress.

    attachicon.gifScreenCap 2014-11-16 at 14.02.32kopie.jpg


    From your previous posts I'm assuming you're using version 5 on Yosemite - since that version of ECSP is unsupported on OS X Yosemite you are going to continue having unusual things like this happening (since version 5 has no idea of the new configurations, settings, features, protocols, etc). I suggest uninstalling version 5 and installing with version 6.0.14 which has full compatibility with Yosemite.

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