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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. Kali is used for Penetration Testing and that stuff and it's not good to use it for everyday use because most of the times you are running as ROOT which is not a good thing , Start off with Ubuntu or Linux Mint , both are good.
  2. I believe the most efficient and fast way is to just backup your important data from this computer , reboot and format all partitions and start new , if you are having troubles repairing the MBR , which can give some headache I believe.
  3. lol I7 4700K, 16GB DDR3, 240GB SSD, 750GB HDD, 4 x 3TB HDD, R9 370.. - This would go fine I believe with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS I have a desktop with Ryzen and Ubuntu it runs like a beast for virtualizations I also have another laptop with Intel and also runs like a beast. but both of them for non gaming
  4. Day by day , Developers are giving more priority to Linux , same as STEAM. Steam works fine in Linux and also most of the games (it matters if the game was ported or natively built for Linux , and if it was a good port or bad port..) some games even get more FPS in Linux than in Windows.
  5. Thank you , it could help a lot with Terminal servers (RDS)
  6. Hello, This is just a suggestion but it could help in an environment where there is no possibilty to block categories of websites through firewalls It would be much useful to have ESET Parental Control or somekind of Web Filtering based on Categories , like to block Adult websites , or other websites.
  7. Ubuntu is good for starting and also for advanced , but for GUIs take a look at : Ubuntu KDE Ubuntu MATE Ubuntu GNOME LinuxMINT Cinammon looks a bit like W7 if you are interested For me I use MATE , It's great. You can also download the LTS edition , which will make your upgrades every few years(major operating system upgrade) , and also LTS is considered to be more stable , but the newer versions have newer features but I would go with LTS for sure Put it on a USB and run it as a live image , and test the linux as much as you want , when you will restart you will go back to your Windows normally , so that way you can give Linux a try , or fire it up in a virtual machine
  8. ESET will not touch it if you disable the detection of unsafe applications , KMSPICO is not malicious if it's not made malicious by someone else , but the original one is not malicious , it's just a hacktool for Windows.
  9. This is probably due to infected KMSPico , it might not apply to his case
  10. I have activated Autostart for now , I will test and see if there is any differences.
  11. This explains a little bit more about Microsoft way of Windows : https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-wants-to-do-away-with-windows-10-local-accounts/ And about Linux , if you are new user , the GUI will be enough for most uses and most likely it will be stable on your system (sometimes it could go crazy) , but for sure it's more stable and faster than Windows , and runs better on old PCs It will take time to get used as for anything else in life , but once you get used for it , you will feel the difference Atleast you won't get the Please Wait , Don't turn off your PC nightmare while having HDD not SSD
  12. I will try and report back. Thank you Marcos.
  13. ESET doesn't stay active in background , it sleeps , goes in-active , unless I open the application again so it can update and get back into background , only for after some hours for it to disappear again , I don't know if it's running in the background , but for sure it's not updating , because sometimes I remember after few days to check it , I see that it didn't update for 3 days.
  14. Terminal can help you do more advanced things and more normal things that the GUI doesn't give you options to But for a normal user that doesn't want to go advanced terminal mode in his brain , you can find everything you need and more than you find in Windows , in the GUI you will use for Linux There are different GUIs for Linux like Cinnamon MATE GNOME XFCE KDE And still more.
  15. There is also this https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10 , but I bet someday it will break your system because of updates from Microsoft , but if you are not into gaming , switch to Linux , you will feel better
  16. It depends if the attack is coming from outside or inside the network , from outside you should look at the firewall rules that protect your machines , you should harden them up, from inside that means one of the computers are infected and trying to spread through SMB , If you don't use SMB also , it's better to remove it especially SMB 1 , as said by Microsoft. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/storage-at-microsoft/stop-using-smb1/ba-p/425858 Send your regards from Monaco to the NSA for their malware
  17. Your ESET is out of date my friend , you should upgrade to the latest version possible , and possibly there is something wrong with your license information.
  18. Did you run a deep scan of your PC by your AV?
  19. I understand the differences , and I can understand how LiveGrid is better while it's enabled on product , but I was talking about something else , about having Augur on VirusTotal And about malware developers and if they test their things on VirusTotal or something , but one they won't upload their 0-day malicious data to make it detected , so all the evasion or hidding that he has done is gone Even though I believe they do test their malware against AVs before they publish , so they know they can bypass/evade
  20. Yeah I know this product , I am just talking about adding the AI to VirusTotal or making a dedicated page for that purpose , it's just a suggestion , I am not looking for EDTD Enabling the AI Engine to be tested by too much people more than what is connected to LiveGrid through ESET , will surely test the engine and make it more powerful because so much more additions will be sent to it. I tried to remove the format , but it's typing like this , I don't know why.. Sometimes you upload something to VirusTotal , most of them gives you a clean result , only those who work with AI and machine learning , can give you the suspicious marking It helps a lot , and signature based is so old school at these times , this can help the user and the company , if the company is interested for sure.
  21. No I meant like to be used in VirusTotal , Hybrid Analyze , App any run , not the application itself , maybe some page from ESET so people can upload to them and check for AI results
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