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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. If you are looking for Endpoint version you should be able to obtain it from your ESMC or from your network administrator For Desktop version it's available on ESET download page.
  2. And Deluge is good alternative and also both of these are open source , uTorrent is filled with advertising things or toolbars or I don't know what.
  3. I don't know if someone suggested this before , but this could help a little bit , and also even help the engine maybe as more submissions will come as for now VirusTotal checks only the signature database It will be nice to see the AI in work Just a suggestion , can be ignored if you'd like
  4. Probably yes , but as I remember it doesn't install on the system But you can replace it with the product itself.
  5. Exe first , and some files in that folder might be connected to that malicious exe
  6. Firefox updater is located in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox and it's called updater not update.exe This file is malicious , and it's suspicious Upload it to one of these : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/ https://app.any.run/submissions/
  7. Most probably yes , if you are in urge of a scan you could download the trial version of ESET and make a scan through it but that will require an installation of the product for sure.
  8. If I am not mistaken , Your Windows nod32 license can work fine in Linux , the only trouble you have is that v4 is legacy product and doesn't use the cd-key option , which you need instead a username and password , like ESET used to work before with usernames and passwords for licensing , they have changed by sometime I don't remember when.
  9. If you are currently in Canada , you should buy from Canadian store Same as your credit card, you should buy from same country or you will get errors when you are trying to buy from ESET authorized stores.
  10. Buy through your browser , not the software , you may or may not receive a username among the cd-key , if you only received a cd-key , you will need to convert it to username and password , an ESET staff can help you with this
  11. It's sure somewhere ESET cannot remove like a system file or lacks privileges like a network share.
  12. With endpoint security , ESET firewall should be running , but I don't know that might be different in your setup over there , I am sorry but I can't understand the screenshot as it's all in Chinese
  13. Depending if your Endpoints use ESET Firewall or Windows Firewall But to configure either of them you need to access the control of it , For Windows Firewall you need to configure through the Group Policy and for ESET you need to use the ESMC
  14. It's something in the MBR I believe , you would need to scan from safemode. It's like this : https://forum.eset.com/topic/18160-having-problem-remove-trojan-win32pitouj/
  15. Yes it seems that you get redirected to another servers while surfing this forum , you get redirected to some other servers owned by Invision , which can be blocked for some reasons , Firefox sometimes block it with BAD SIGNATURE error , and also the Fortinet
  16. Unfortunately there is no courses for ESET as far as I know But your ideal way for this is to install one of the either , ESS or EIS , you can firewall your RDP port which is TCP port 3389 to your IP Addresses so that will rest your mind that only yourself can connect but probably your provider has some built in firewall in your c-panel which can help you protect your VS If you can create Virtual Machines like in Google Cloud , it's fun to try OPNSENSE if you like to make some projects.
  17. It's running always in the background , also do download updates and make some weekly scans by default , it's still running , but not as REALTIME
  18. You can use your ESET firewall to firewall the RDP port only to specific IP Addresses and use it to protect your Windows 10 VPS so that will hide your RDP ports from the internet and keep it only to your IP Addresses. ESET Smart Security or Internet Security will be enough to protect your VPS Probably your provider provides also a Firewall through somekind of a panel , or you can run your own firewall by someway I am not sure , you can use OPNSENSE firewall , but you need to create a virtual machine only for that
  19. Browsers are getting updated rapidly and adding/removing features they had before , same as Linux Kernel , going up all the time , but still we are stuck with a legacy product , which can work normally and for some other PCs , it doesn't On my setup , I see no difference when RealTime is disabled or enabled I just noticed that you can disable the realtime scanning also without sudo permission , so probably malware can do the same if it's not detected by the realtime , I see in the settings some privileges settings but I wonder if I remove my user and keep the root , will it ask me for a password , or will it deny me at all so I should sign in as root? I wish that ESET would release a new version for linux desktop use
  20. What is the problem of buying another NOD32 AV license? You are not receiving the Username and Password to put for v4?
  21. Not via Group Policy , It's the same steps as disabling it in Windows 10 , Go to security/windows defender settings , realtime-scanning - OFF , and that's it , ESET is running instead.
  22. I can allow it , I know , but it should be solved , it's not new now because since March last year the same type of detection , or maybe more new servers for the forum
  23. Probably what happened here that they conflicted over the file Malwarebytes got first to it, and then ESET noticed it , so it will try to claim it from Malwarebytes , but will be prevented.
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