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Best Practices: Dual Update Profile Configuration?

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I want to ask a question what is the best practice how you can configure dual updates with ERA?


I`ve configured dual updates like it`s described in this kb: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3621/


but I noticed that if in policy during the configuration was selected second profile and the configuration was saved, than if you choose Update Now in antivirus it always checks for updates over the Internet. But the most important thing is that if you run the task for updating the anti-virus from the ERA server, antivirus also starts to  check for updates via the Internet, when client is in the local network and ERA server available.
The task for the update, which is configured in the scheduler is working properly.
Then I decided to change the selected profile in the configuration to the first profile "My Profile" and saved the policy again. In this case, if you check the settings of antivirus, now in update tab the "My Profile" is visible. Now, when  manually click Update Now it every time looking for updates from ERA Server . If from ERA server we run the job to update the antivirus it also looking for update from ERA Server.
But if the job is running through the scheduler, then all is well, if the ERA server is not available, updates are downloaded from the Internet.
However, with this configuration, I noticed that the anti-virus produces an error, it was not possible to check for updates. However, I did not start the update manually, but later it automatically downloads updates, if the client is not in the local network or ERA is not available.
My question is how  is better to configure the policy updates to clients rocked updates from the Internet, if the ERA server is unavailable and does not receive a notice that it was not possible to update the database?
How do you configure a policy in this case?



Edited by RedLine
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  • ESET Staff

If you execute the task manually, either on the client, or by the task from ERA, the currently selected profile is used.

The scheduled task, which allows to configure two profiles runs automatically, and tries the first profile, then the second profile, per its configuration.

Maybe a question - when you mean, that updates are downloaded from "ERA server" means that you have a local mirror tool, or use the HTTP Proxy for updating?

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If you execute the task manually, either on the client, or by the task from ERA, the currently selected profile is used.

The scheduled task, which allows to configure two profiles runs automatically, and tries the first profile, then the second profile, per its configuration.

Maybe a question - when you mean, that updates are downloaded from "ERA server" means that you have a local mirror tool, or use the HTTP Proxy for updating?

HTTP Proxy from All-in-One package

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  • ESET Staff

Then, since the Endpoint 6.4 you can configure just a one update profile, with Autoselect, and communication via proxy, with choosing the "proxy fallback" option, meaning when the proxy is not reachable, Endpoint should communicate directly. This option will be added also for other products, like ERA agent, as soon as the version 6.4 is out (should happen within a month).  The same setting is also available for custom proxies in the "Update" section of settings.




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