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ERA 6 agent gives Peer certificate is invalid

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Hello Dears ,


I've ERA 6 file security for Microsoft servers there some server gives that critical issue Peer certificate is invalid ,


what i did to solve :-


1- Remove remote agent and installed again .

2- Un-install client itself and reinstall again .

3- Push certificate manually .


but all of that didn't solve the problem.


Thanks in advance.



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Will somebody please help me stop all the emails I cant stop them and I'm sick of it. I can't log in, this is the hardest site i've ever dealt with. djnott@msn.com. I'm tired of tring.


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Peer cert invalid - I get that with all new installs, for about ten minutes. I believe agent has to connect to server at least twice for cert to become valid.

Is your agent connecting okay?


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Dear Jim ,


This machine installed since 2 April 2015 and also agent connects well for more than two times , please advice because that issue show more than these three machines :( .


Anas Tohamy 

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What do the last dozen or so lines in the log file on the client show? The log file is in




(not C:\Program Files)

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I'd suggest the following:

1, Make sure there is no agent policy in place that changes the agent certificate.

2, Reinstall the agent.

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