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high cpu/resource utilization

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I have a customer who is having issues with performance and is convinced that it's ekrn.exe causing the problem.  I was able to log in and capture a service dump file while it was happening.  Anyone who can help me analyze the dump or point me in another direction? 

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  • Former ESET Employees

Hello anxious_tech (great name btw),


Our experience with performance issues after installing ANY antivirus is that it is installed over another security program, which will tax the system in multiple ways. I would suggest your first step be to check for any 3rd party AV programs. You can use our AV remover located here

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The best course of action would be to contact Customer care who should check the list of installed applications in the first place. Also it's important to know when performance issues occur. E.g. when watching a video, when running a specific application, when the computer is basically idle, etc.

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