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Can ESET protect users who are using ESET and WPS with known vulnerabilities?

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Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. It has come to our attention that ESET has detected vulnerabilities in the WPS software. For customers currently using ESET who have not yet updated WPS to the latest version, can ESET still protect them effectively? Thank you for your assistance. Best regards,

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Are you referring to WPS Office by Kingsoft and ESET Vulnerability & Patch Management which detected some vulnerabilities? If so, you must update WPS in order to patch the vulnerabilities.

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Installing ESET will not patch the vulnerabilities so the software will remain vulnerable.

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Are you referring to https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/eset-research/analysis-of-two-arbitrary-code-execution-vulnerabilities-affecting-wps-office/, @ormkun?

If so, the two vulnerabilities were patched in late May 2024 by Kingsoft with the release of WPS version  Malware that was exploiting the vulnerabilities is detected by ESET's software, but as my colleague @Marcos noted, updating to the latest versions of WPS should be a priority, so that the vulnerabilities are no longer present on systems using that software.


Aryeh Goretsky

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