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Migrated VA to Rocky Linux but cannot create new Client Task

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Migrated to new virtual appliance for Endpoint Server (formerly Centos) to Rocky Linux according to the guide.  The migration went smoothly without any errors.
New VM started without any issues.  Able to see the status of the clients. However when I tried to create a new task to upgrade the components, the Eset server is not displayed in the Reference Eset Protect Server.  Clicking on the Select Server option will display empty list -- no server.
Tried updating the the clients using the context menu, update, update products also failed.
Kindly advise.








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Same issue here...can't run components upgrade task as no reference server is found. Like the OP, the server upgrade went smoothly without any issues. Please help

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9 minutes ago, Vaneet Singla said:

Same issue here...can't run components upgrade task as no reference server is found. Like the OP, the server upgrade went smoothly without any issues. Please help

This appears to be a known issue which should be fixed on the backend soon.


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Its getting extremely hard to manage my eset environment with the issue in this post. Can't push clients, cant contact the administrator from clients. Please expedite this patch. 

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Cannot complete the creation of the task Eg Component Upgrade task - without specifying a reference server.

Furthermore, right click on context menu to upgrade the Products for a particular client also failed.




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On 4/4/2024 at 12:05 PM, Marcos said:

This appears to be a known issue which should be fixed on the backend soon.


As of 4/16/24, there still appears to be no fix for this for the on-prem appliance. It still require a server to be selected, and the selection dialog is still empty. Any idea when we might see a fix (which I assume would be an updated appliance)? Can't really move to the Rocky-based appliance until it is. Server v11.0.215.0, Web Console v11.0.193.0.

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41 minutes ago, Marcos said:

A fix is being prepared for release which is expected in 1-2 days.

Great, thank you!

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Can confirm that running the task is now possible.

However, after running the ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task I'm now unable to log in to ESET PROTECT again.

Login failed: Connection has failed with state "loginConnectionStateNotConnected"

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2 hours ago, TN LMG said:

Can confirm that running the task is now possible.

However, after running the ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task I'm now unable to log in to ESET PROTECT again.

Login failed: Connection has failed with state "loginConnectionStateNotConnected"

I'm not running into this. However, due to the problems with the original install, I opted to kill the previously started Rocky-based appliance (had never migrated any clients over to it), did the advanced protection/SHA-256 upgrade on my Cent appliance, and then just this morning did a fresh install of the Rocky-based appliance using the usual instructions in the migration document. All appears to be up and running just fine on the Rocky-based appliance now. I've been slowly migrating the clients over to the new appliance and so far, everything looks good. Since this has been a rather rocky migration (pun intended), I probably won't complete the migration until tomorrow just to make sure the clients I've migrated are still happy.

As a side note, there has been no upgrade of the agent needed. I've already verified that the new appliance does allow me to set the new server  as the reference (doesn't actually specifically pick a server, but there's an appropriate option to select there as seen below). However, it looks like there's no agent upgrade needed, at least the clients migrated over already aren't showing as out of date.


That being said, if it were me, knowing a change of some sort has been made, I'd probably reboot the appliance, give it plenty of time to initialize after the reboot and then try again. Every time I've done any kind of update, reboots seem mandatory even if they aren't done automatically, and it does frequently take more time for connectivity to authentication sources to happen than it does for the logon prompt to be available.

Otherwise, I don't really have any specific insight on your problem. Just wanted to report that the change that was made seems to have worked for me, although I think I came through a different route than you did.


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I had a little time today and have been experimenting more with the issue of
Login failed: Connection has failed with state "loginConnectionStateNotConnected"
after an ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task is run on the server.

I have created a test copy of the virtual appliance, reset it to factory (to eliminate the issue being my database or settings), then ran the ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task on the server. I get the same error Login failed: Connection has failed with state "loginConnectionStateNotConnected"

I therefore believe this is a bug with the new appliance and have started a support case.

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I'm curious, has anyone else tested this? @JimChev3 You said you didn't have the issue, but that your agents were up to date, so did you actually run the task and was the server itself targeted?

For anyone testing on your production environment, please take a snapshot or backup first, rolling back was my only way to get things running again.

I can consistently reproduce the issue on a fresh install of the new VA as detailed below.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

The problem appears to be that the ESET PROTECT Server service is not running. In Webmin, it is no longer available in the System > Bootup and Shutdown list after the ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task is run.

Edited by TN LMG
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On 4/26/2024 at 9:35 AM, TN LMG said:

I'm curious, has anyone else tested this? @JimChev3 You said you didn't have the issue, but that your agents were up to date, so did you actually run the task and was the server itself targeted?

For anyone testing on your production environment, please take a snapshot or backup first, rolling back was my only way to get things running again.

I can consistently reproduce the issue on a fresh install of the new VA as detailed below.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

The problem appears to be that the ESET PROTECT Server service is not running. In Webmin, it is no longer available in the System > Bootup and Shutdown list after the ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task is run.

Sorry this is a late response, I didn't see the notification.

Prior to the fix from ESET, I wasn't even able to create the task because there was no server to select. After their fix, there was one item listed that I was able to select and create the task. I did NOT have to run the update though, as it wasn't showing any agents as being outdated.

That being said, as I think you already saw from another thread I just posted in, there is yet another loginConnectionStateNotConnected error stemming from a mysql odbc driver update that will come down in an OS update that will kill connectivity to the web console again.

As such, your advice to everyone on taking snapshots/backups before doing anything of consequence both in the terms of the upgrade itself and in maintaining the Rocky-based appliance moving forward after the upgrade would be HIGHLY recommended by me as well. It looks like the kinks are still being worked out.

Edited by JimChev3
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Posted (edited)
On 4/30/2024 at 5:08 PM, JimChev3 said:

Sorry this is a late response, I didn't see the notification.

Prior to the fix from ESET, I wasn't even able to create the task because there was no server to select. After their fix, there was one item listed that I was able to select and create the task. I did NOT have to run the update though, as it wasn't showing any agents as being outdated.

That being said, as I think you already saw from another thread I just posted in, there is yet another loginConnectionStateNotConnected error stemming from a mysql odbc driver update that will come down in an OS update that will kill connectivity to the web console again.

As such, your advice to everyone on taking snapshots/backups before doing anything of consequence both in the terms of the upgrade itself and in maintaining the Rocky-based appliance moving forward after the upgrade would be HIGHLY recommended by me as well. It looks like the kinks are still being worked out.

Hi, if you did mysql components update and you cant login to a console, you need to do:

1. login to webmin
2. open terminal
3. type this command sed -i 's/ODBC 8.3/ODBC 8.4/g' /etc/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/StartupConfiguration.ini
4. reboot the server by using "reboot" command in terminal window

New eset server is very problematic. Do a backup or a snapshot always if you can.

Edited by Donatas
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I can't even get the ERA service to run on the appliance. Tried era, ERAServer, ERAserver, efs, eraserver but the era service is not found. Can someone tell me what the era server service name is on the new appliance?




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Hi @Vaneet Singla

It's eraserver.service

Did this happen after you ran a ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task? This seems to remove the service if run on the server.
I've had a support ticket open reporting this bug to ESET support for 2 weeks now but so far, they have just repeatedly responded giving links to solutions for the ODBC & SHA1 bugs. It's not the same issue.

The only solution for me was to roll back to a backup.

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Exactly! First, we couldn't select the server for components upgrade. Once they fixed it, now the eraservice is gone. I agree with ODBC and SHA1 as i tried both and still not able to login to web console. Please let me know if you get a meaningful response from support. I might end up opening up a support ticket too. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw on other threads in this forum that the VA we migrated to was pulled and new one issued.

I decided to test it to see if either of the bugs I'd reported were addressed in the new version.

The bug initially reported in this thread where no Reference ESET PROTECT Server is available has returned in the new version.

On ESET PROTECT on-prem (Server), Version 11.0 ( this issue was fixed, but running the update task with the server selected causes much worse issues, as described in my earlier posts in this thread, and reported to ESET support in ticket #00750793



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Posted (edited)

Hooray, this issue seems to have been resolved today.

I was able to update to Version via the help menu at the top of the web console. The update was successful. I am now able to select a Reference ESET PROTECT Server ( and run the ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade task without the server breaking.

Not sure if significant, but the service which went missing has Xvfb added to the name

Edited by TN LMG
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