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Saving task scripts output in ESET

Go to solution Solved by Marcos,

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Hey Team, forum. 

I need to ask if there is a function in ESET. 
2 months ago I've created some batch scripts which was creating sort of a log file, then this batch script sent those logs files to the samba server. 
It's not possible now to do this like that as we got VPN policies etc. which made that solution unavailable. 

There's my question: Is there any way that I can execute batch script (or powershell script) on PCs in my domain from ESET Task and save the results to the task/execution table in ESET?

I'd like to keep it safe and simple.

Thanks for responses in advance.

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You are probably referring to the Run command task which can execute a command on selected endpoints. This feature merely executes the command, it does not process the results. However, concatenating multiple commands should work, just bear in mind they will be executed in the local system account and not under a specific user.

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@Marcos that's the point. 

I know how to use the "Run command task", but I'd like to also get the results in the ESET instead of just executing it and see no results. 

Is there any way it can save the results of the written script or it's not possible using ESET?

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21 minutes ago, Fiszu said:

I know how to use the "Run command task", but I'd like to also get the results in the ESET instead of just executing it and see no results. 

Is there any way it can save the results of the written script or it's not possible using ESET?

No, you can only use the command itself to redirect the output, e.g. to a file in a network share.

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