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Does EEI server have a DNS configuration?  There is a section in settings called Search Engine Integration which points to virustotal.com and it is used for looking up executable hashes so somewhere name server resolution is happening.  Is this only on the instance itself (not inside the EEI gui)?

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EEI should use the primary and secondary DNS server configured in the system as far as I know.

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Thanks for the reply Marcos.  We discovered in the EEI settings under Search engine integration that Virus Total is configured.  Some questions:

  1. is this a default in EEI? - our version is ESET INSPECT on-prem, Version 2.0.3549.0
  2. does at least entry need to be listed for EEI to function properly?
  3. would it be possible for virus total to be using a different dns server than what we have configured in the EEI instance?



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1, Yes, it's set as a default search engine.

2, You can delete it but you'll have no option to search for file hashes then.

3, No. I for one, can't think of a good reason to resolve only the search engine domain through a different DNS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ESET Staff
On 5/10/2024 at 2:51 AM, Marcos said:

EEI should use the primary and secondary DNS server configured in the system as far as I know.

While this is true for the server side features, this specific "Search Engine Integration" feature happens entirely in the users browser. The settings are just string templates that then get the hash appended to them and open a new tab when user clicks them.

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