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Win 7. Scan gets stuck

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When scanning the scan 'hangs' on scanning reliability records, do I have to clear them out, if so please refresh my memory how to??

Thanks,  Dave

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3 hours ago, Pentode said:


When scanning the scan 'hangs' on scanning reliability records, do I have to clear them out, if so please refresh my memory how to??

Thanks,  Dave

Do you mean that the scan is stuck for a while on some kind of file or location?

Most likely if you wait a while it will release it happens on my scans also.

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What do you mean by "reliability records"? Is the scan stuck on a particular folder or file for hours? Even if you scan just the particular file?

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Sorry for delay.

When scanning Reliability records it seems to hang  on one particular spot, sometimes it will hang, as you say if you wait it will continue, I did a scan the other day, I waited, waited and waited so I cancelled the scan because it 'seemed' much longer than usual, upon re-trying it happened again... just wouldn't budge.

I guess if you want a more accurate description, I'll do another scan but will make a note of whatever happens.... may be I'm better waiting longer, I'll try again later, so will get back, thanks.


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Well.... I giffup. Anyone with Gremlin spray?

It happened again..... stuck at  Win32_ReliabilityRecords.Logfile="System",RecordNumber=19850,Time, I waited some five minutes and give up. Then  I tried again, no problem, it hung about five seconds or so and then flew through. And that five seconds was much shorter than usual.

Sorry folks, just one of them things, curious what causes it though..... glad to know it just isn't me. Matter considered closed I guess.

Thank you for your time, Dave

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Obviously it was the WMI repository which was being scanned. Scanning WMI may take long so if you want to run a quicker scan, make sure not to select WMI as a target.

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