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For the past few days I have been getting either green, yellow, or red borders, around my browsers. No matter what I do in the settings for Eset, they appear. I tried disabling the green window frame setting, but it simply does not work. I have tried disabling every feature related to browser protection, and that does not work.

I have unfortunately uninstalled this software as a result. I should not have to do so much work to try and keep the frame off my browser. The software should not impede my use of my computer. This is a serious issue for me because for my work I often need to record my screen.

I will keep checking here to see if the issue is resolved, but at this time I will be cancelling my subscription, even though I have had Eset for years since 2017. I do not care how good software is, if it messes up my user experience and I cannot turn off features.

I hope the developers attend to this as soon as possible and I am honestly shocked you would include a feature that intrudes on the user's interface and not give good options to disable it.

From a design point of view, it makes no sense to have the border frame visible at all times anyway. 

Thank you for your time,

A highly concerned and frustrated customer

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Please continue in the existing topic here: https://forum.eset.com/topic/34441-green-border-around-browsers and answer my questions there. I assume it's just misunderstanding of setting or the Secure all browsers feature so we need to clarify it with you first.

To prevent duplicate topics on the subject, we'll draw this one to a close.

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