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Antitheft keeps locking my device - waiting for version 7.4 Mobile

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I have been having this same issue for the past year, on version,  no update available for Google Play.

This was one of the key features of ESET Mobile for the paid version and it hasn't been working.  What are you offering your paid customers for a feature they pay for that doesn't work?

Personally, I do not save any numbers on my SIM, they are all saved on my Google Account, not the phone, so its odd that it is identifying it as such as posts in this thread tend to indicate:

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  On 6/12/2022 at 9:48 PM, DustyinLVNV said:

sadly I was greeted with this issue upon enabling it. It locks. I unlock. It says sim changed and asks if I trust the new one. Currently. I have 8 different numbers in there in just a few hours and just as I typed that it locked me out again.

We have found out than on certain devices an update of Android caused the SIM matching feature to malfunction. In such case we recommend temporarily disabling the SIM matching feature and re-enable it after we release ESET Mobile Security v7.4 which will have the feature reworked.

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This is a limitation of Android itself (since v10). Please open a support ticket for further investigation if it's caused by an issue writing special SIM identification contacts to the SIM card.

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