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Can't create a HIPS Rule to deny to open an app

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I'm trying to create a HIPS rule to deny a few apps in some computers in my company, but i can't make it work.

Heres the settings:


Filtering mode: automatic

Inside the rule..
Action: Deny


Source application: mspaint.exe



Operations: All



Application: mspaint.exe



I tried all the possible combinations:

Source application: Any and Application: mspaint.exe
Source application: mspaint.exe and Application: Any

Source application: mspaint.exe and Application: mspaint.exe


But i still cant make it work.

Any thoughts?



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HI @Marcos, thanks for your response.


I tried using the following settings:




And it didnt work as well. I even tried to change the mode to "Iterative mode" to see if the rules is working, and immediately starting poping-up notifications to allow or deny the operations.

Is there something that i'm missing?

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For me it works. Please export the configuration and search for the corresponding HIPS rule. It should look like that:


      <ITEM NAME="1">
       <NODE NAME="enabled" TYPE="number" VALUE="1" />
       <NODE NAME="name" TYPE="string" VALUE="Block notepad" />
       <NODE NAME="priority" TYPE="number" VALUE="80" />
       <NODE NAME="action" TYPE="number" VALUE="2" />
       <NODE NAME="notify" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <NODE NAME="allAppSources" TYPE="number" VALUE="1" />
       <ITEM NAME="appSources" DELETE="1" />
       <NODE NAME="hasFileTargets" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <NODE NAME="hasRegTargets" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <NODE NAME="hasPeTargets" TYPE="number" VALUE="1" />
       <ITEM NAME="fileOperations">
        <NODE NAME="File_AllOperations" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="File_Delete" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="File_Modify" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="File_DirectDiskAccess" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Image_GlobalHook" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Image_LoadDriver" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <ITEM NAME="regOperations">
        <NODE NAME="Registry_AllOperations" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Registry_ModifyStartup" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Registry_Delete" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Registry_Rename" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Registry_Modify" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <ITEM NAME="peOperations">
        <NODE NAME="Process_AllOperations" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Application_Debug" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Application_Hook" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Application_Stop" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
        <NODE NAME="Application_Create" TYPE="number" VALUE="1" />
        <NODE NAME="Application_Modify" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <NODE NAME="allFileTargets" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <ITEM NAME="fileTargets" DELETE="1" />
       <NODE NAME="allRegTargets" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <ITEM NAME="regTargets" DELETE="1" />
       <NODE NAME="allPeTargets" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />
       <ITEM NAME="peTargets" DELETE="1">
        <NODE NAME="1" TYPE="string" VALUE="C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe" />
       <NODE NAME="severity" TYPE="number" VALUE="0" />


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Verify that no HIPS allow rules exist for the processes you are trying to block via HIPS rule. The Eset HIPS processes all allow rules prior to processing block rules.

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1 hour ago, Mateus Gabriel said:

Now i'm triny got block Control Panel. Do you guys have any idea how? Using registry entries?

The executable file for the Control Panel is control.exe. Both in Windows 11 and Windows 10, you can find it in the Windows folder in the System32 subfolder.

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