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ESET Server Security - Slow network performance

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Hi everyone

Once again we are experiencing slow network performance with ESET. We are seeing what has been described here (https://forum.eset.com/topic/22793-efs-network-performance-issues). Summarized, when we copy files (e.g. an ISO image) from any Windows Server 2012R2/2016 machine (most recent updates installed) to pretty much anything on the network (e.g. a NAS device), we get around 100 MB/s on a 10 Gbps Ethernet link. If ESS is uninstalled we see around 700 MB/s.

We had the exact same issue last year. After countless tests and extensive troubleshooting with support, we upgraded to version 7.1.12010.0 back then. This kind of resolved the issue at the time, and we got around 500 MB/s instead of 700 MB/s -  not perfect but much better than 100 MB/s. Many months ago we updated to version 7.2.12004.2 and to be honest, we kind of forgot about this issue.

Lately we have noticed a lot of performance related issues and started troubleshooting again. And it turns out that ESS is once again the culprit. The ESS policy has not changed since the last time we experienced this problem. In fact, we added more exclusions. Despite all of this, we once again only get a fraction of the available network speed if ESS is installed.

We immediately upgraded ESS to the most recent version (8.0.12003.0) yesterday, after we identified the root cause, but this has not made a difference. We are still troubleshooting and are doing lots of tests but there is no doubt that ESS is causing this. Is anyone else experiencing this? I would appreciate your feedback and would be grateful for any advice. Thanks a lot.


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  • ESET Moderators

Hello @st3fan,


what are the current speeds with the latest ESET Server Security? (latest one is 8.0.12010.0)

Does the network slow-down start immediately after ESET Server Security installation or starts after the server reboot?


Enabling Receive Side Coalescing (RSC) might resolve the issue, please try it as a first step.


As a second step I would advise to enable Receive Side Scaling (RSS)

Note: Having Maximum Numbers of RSS Queues and Maximum Numbers of RSS Processors not configured or set to 0 effectively disables RSS, despite having Receive Side Scaling set to Enabled. All three need to be set.


Let us know, if enabling of them helped i.e. how the speed changed.

If there won't be a noticeable difference, provide us with output from powershell Get-NetAdapterRsc



(M_EPFW-225 / P_EFSW-1255)

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for your comments @Peter Randziak and apologies for my late reply.

We have upgraded a few servers to 8.0.12010.0 in the interim - unfortunately things have not improved.

We will run a few tests so that we can answer your questions. I have asked the server owners to check regarding RSC and RSS.

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Does disabling either or both settings below make a difference?


If not, does installing ESSW in custom mode without network protection do?


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